My Thoughts On Star Ratings!!

Hey everyone!!

A while ago I saw a post on Dellybird about the pros and cons of star ratings. I thought it was a really interesting post and it made me want to write a post based on what I thought.

Please check out the post on Dellybird as it is great and covers some things that I didn’t think about like what it depends on. I am not going into all the pros and cons as I’m talking about my personal opinion so I do advise checking it out beforehand for more information.


I use star ratings here on my blog and on Goodreads. They are widely recognised and used which is probably why I started using them as everyone knows what it means. You don’t need to explain it.

But I actually like them. I like organising my books into groups so I know where all my favourites are, where the average books are etc. I love the organisation and it just feels right.

Image result for organize gif

Also when writing/reading a review it is a great place to end as it gives an overall impression of what you thought of the book. Therefore, readers aren’t left wondering ‘So what did you think of the book in the end’. It feels like a satisfying point to end on.

HOWEVER, I don’t like star ratings because…

In theory star ratings are a great way to show a quick opinion of a book. They seem like a fair, universal measurement to showcase how good the book is or isn’t. But it actually isn’t that fair as it depends on so many things; what my favourite genre is, had I read anything like it before, did I know any spoilers, what were my expectations going in, my personal tastes etc. I think it is easy to see them as a simple thing that you should take solely on their own when actually they are dependent on so many variables. They are a personal opinion which is why I think star ratings are kind of meaningless without the review.

Sometimes I think we see star ratings and reviews as telling you how good a book is when I don’t think that is the point at all. It is to share your opinion on a book. They are supposed to tell readers if they might enjoy the book, not to pass on their opinion on said book. For example, I have read a review where the book was lowly rated but it made me want to pick up the book as the reason they didn’t like it, felt like reasons that I might like it. Again it is all opinion and I don’t think you should just ingest other opinions as your own. You should use them to educate yourself and form your own opinion. Therefore star ratings to me, only have a value with the review as it explains the reasoning behind it.

Image result for lots of opinion gif

As I mentioned before star ratings are universal, everyone knows them but it also means everyone has decided what each rating means. When it isn’t so clear cut. I don’t give away 5 stars that often so 4 stars are a really good book for me but for someone else a 4 star could just be a good book to them so it may make them think I only thought this book was good but I mean it is really good. A lot of people (and me) describe what each rating means to them on their blog etc. so people know this when reading a review to avoid misunderstandings.

I think a common thing is that people think 3 stars aren’t very good when it is more than average. I have done it, I’ve seen something rated as 3 stars and thought that’s a shame but it isn’t a bad rating. Ratings can lead to snap judgements which is a downside. So, again, I am going to say it is why ratings need reviews with them so people can explain why this rating was given and you can get a more valuable insight into the book and the reviewer’s opinion.

“Ratings are just a snapshot of an opinion. You need the review for the full picture.”


I like star ratings for me and my organisation and I definitely think they have their uses. It is why I still use them but I think for readers it can have a downside. I’d love to know, what do you think??



Do you use star ratings? Do you like it when other people use star ratings? Do you like them? Do you prefer alternatives?

65 thoughts on “My Thoughts On Star Ratings!!

      1. Yes they are hard!! 😂 I relate to that so much– I am such a procrastinator!! . 😂 It can always happen tomorrow instead of today!! I hope when you get around to doing the changes you want you enjoy it!! 😂
        I’ve left another comment instead of replying before as well!! 😂😂

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  1. The thing about the star rating is that not all star rating is equal. Eg; Some are my 3 ratigs are for so-so book but some are close to 4 but only missing something.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes so true– each star rating a book receives is different in some way and like you said some are really close to another rating or you liked different things in each one but overall they have the same rating. Star ratings can really depend on so many things!!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I do use star ratings but I like it much better when you can rate it out of ten or give “half” stars. Sometimes a book is a bad three, sometimes it’s a really good three, but I can’t differentiate and it frustrates me 😅

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes star ratings can be really useful!! 😊 Same I really like half ratings or out of 10 as it covers a wider range!! Books can have a the same rating but mean something quite different to me as a reader. It is hard as rating can’t show your whole opinion so I totally get that. That’s why review are so great at explaining your thoughts in detail!! 😊


  3. I really like the star rating system, but I agree that most of the times a review is necessary. For me I think that 1 star and 5 star reads are pretty obvious on their own, even though my reasons might be unusual they get the message across clearly about whether or not I enjoyed a book. But 2, 3, and 4 stars are trickier because it’s the little things that cause me to give books lower ratings, which is why I think reviews are more necessary for those middle ratings.

    Great post though! It’s given me so much to think about!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes I personally like the star rating system as I find it so useful and easy but I can see why others might not like it.
      That is so true about what you said though– the 2,3 and 4 stars are the trickier ones as they are little reasons that affect the rating and aren’t so clear cut between each rating so there needs to be more explanation so that’s when the review is so useful. But it really is the little things which can influence a rating.
      Thank you so much– I think it is an interesting discussion and gives you plenty to think about!! 💛 Thank you for the comment!!


  4. I agree with what you’ve said here. I like using a star rating system but I definitely feel that the reviews are vital with them to explain why a particular rating was given. I also sometimes do exactly what you said and think ‘oh, that’s a shame’ when a book I’m excited for gets three stars. Even though it’s above average it just feels lower than that for some reason at times /:

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    1. I’m glad you agree with me– I think ratings are so useful and I will probably always use them but they are best taken in account with the review to get the full picture!!
      Yes three stars is a hard rating because it’s not bad but it’s not the most passionate either but the reviews can still be informative and you are right it does feel lower than average when it isn’t– I need to remember that!!

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      1. Yes I expect I will too as they’re a good starting point and base line for reviews. Yeah it’s three stars that can be kind of hard to judge without a review too because they seem to mean different things for different people. Plus it’s important to read the reviews because what makes it three stars for one person may appeal to another.

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        1. Yes they are really useful!!
          Yeah 3 stars have a different meaning for everyone so you do need the review to understand their thoughts properly. And so true, we all have different opinions so 3 star reviews might give you a reason to read it 😊

          Liked by 1 person

  5. Agree with you about how a review should accompany the rating. Recently I read a review of book where the reviewer gave it 3 stars rating. They did write a review for it but it’s not really conclusive…? Like I’d like to know what the 3 stars meant for them because 3 stars rating is one of the most misunderstood rating I think. Some people thought it means average, some thought it’s actually good (like me). So I’d like to know about their rating system and what do the stars define as a whole.

    I know I’m late to the discussion but this is a great post! I’ve been thinking about stars rating these days and what a coincidence that I found your post!

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    1. I’m glad you agree as I don’t think star ratings can be taken alone as one rating can be so personal to a reader with lots of different reasons behind it.
      Yes, you just need those statements which tell you exactly have they feel about the book as a whole to get an impression at times.
      3 stars is definitely one of the most misunderstood as some see it as bad when it isn’t for everyone, like you it is a good rating for me.
      It is important to know what their ratings mean to them, even if only a brief statement.

      Aww.. Thank you for reading still. It is nice because it reminded me of an older post so thank you for that in a way 😂 Thank you so much for your kind words, I’m glad you enjoyed it !! Haha that is funny, perfect timing 😂💛

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