Completed* Series I Want To Finish OR Forget

*more or less completed series

Hey everyone!

You know that feeling when you pick up the first book in the series. It is new and exciting…. and then you never pick up any of the sequels. Well, I’ve done that a lot, apparently. Therefore, in my love of lists, I am sharing the series I wish to continue and the ones that are no longer on my TBR.

series I want to finish


current progress: book one read

Sometimes the first book in a fantasy series has to spend most of its time introducing the premise and intricacies. Girls of Paper and Fire was like this. It was only the start, and the sequels have more potential to explore new areas. I’m excited to see where it goes, especially as the world, magic and characters were already fascinating.


current progress: book one read

I loved The Poppy War when I first read it, but I know I still underappreciated it. Now, I feel like I can truly give it the love it deserves. I am ready to be devoured and destroyed by this epic morally-grey, military fantasy. I believe the sequels are even more emotional and powerful, bring it on.

🍄 The Poppy War By R. F. Kuang | Spoiler-Free Book Review


current progress: book one read

Whilst this is a companion series, I plan on reading them in order. Sometimes I just crave a romance, and Talia Hibbert is a well-loved author I trust. Especially for the stunning tropes in Dani and Eve’s books… fake dating, friends to lovers, sunshine & grumpy, forced proximity and more.


current progress: book one read

Forest of Souls is an underrated gem in YA fantasy, and I fully intend to read the sequel. Full of dark atmosphere, different relationships, a unique villain and action. I really enjoyed it. Hopefully, the sequel will be just as good.


current progress: book one read

Saints and Misfits wasn’t my favourite ever YA contemporary, but Misfit in Love has a really promising premise. A summer wedding full of potential love interests and family. Plus, it includes characters I wanted to see more from before. I am actually really intrigued by it.


current progress: book one read

There is a good chance you have heard the book community insisting that you read These Violent Delights. It is extremely hyped, and I stand by that. I read the first book in a day. I loved the writing, atmosphere and characters. I REALLY need to see how the duology ends. Even if I am slightly scared.


current progress: book one read

Whilst King of Scars wasn’t all it could be, I still want to pick up the sequel. I like the main characters, and I’m intrigued to see how certain aspects play out. I have faith in its potential. Plus, I want (need) to read every scene involving David.

🍄 KING OF SCARS: The Spoiler Discussion


current progress: book one read

The first book was fabulous, and I have even higher hopes for the sequel. I loved the plot and all the characters. A powerful main character, a charming prince and a sweet, troubled fighter. There is plenty to love here. Honestly, everyone should be picking up this series.

series I doubt I will continue


current progress: books one & two read

I like this series… it is fun, wacky, extra, and Aveda is a GREAT character. However, the series has three different perspectives, and I don’t feel as invested in the other two. Plus, there had previously been an aspect of the novels that had always let me down… the romance! I might continue one day, but for now, no.

🍄 Heroine Complex by Sarah Kuhn | Spoiler-Free Book Review


current progress: books one & two read

My library has the audiobook for Charmcaster (the 3rd book), so I may check it out. My reluctance is from the second book letting me down. The story lost its purpose. I did love the protagonist and comedic tone of this series, so if the plot improves, I may continue.

🍄 Why You Should Read Spellslinger?


current progress: book one read

I haven’t had the best of luck with Schwab in the past. But, I had the most success with ADSOM… it was an interesting concept with characters I could see myself loving in more time. I just kept waiting for the ‘wow factor’, but it never came dampening my desire to continue.


current progress: books one & two read

Carry On on its own has its merits. Just a fun, spoofy book with heart. The sequel, Wayward Son, felt so meandering and pointless to me. Frankly, I wish I didn’t read it. It missed the mark, and I no longer have hope for the final book.


current progress: book one read

I can see why this series works for people, but the multimedia aspect only held my interest for so long. I loved AIDAN, though. A stunning character. However, the other characters didn’t grab my attention enough to carry on with the series.


current progress: book one read

I genuinely liked the first book whilst it had things I would change, I enjoyed a lot of aspects. However, I feel no urge to pick up the sequel, and I know I will make no effort to make time for it. The ship has sailed for me and this series.


current progress: book one read

This was a cute and entertaining series. I just know I would only pick the sequels up if my library got them. At the minute, they don’t, so it is a no-go.


current progress: book one read

I liked Crier a lot, but Ayla’s perspective was a slight drag to read, and I didn’t like the ‘enemies to lovers’ progression. It happened too quickly. I wanted more tension. I know this is an unpopular opinion which makes me a little sad. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. For these reasons, I don’t see myself picking up the sequel.


current progress: book one read

Sadly, I can’t remember too much about the plot or characters (it did have good themes, though). When I can’t remember much, the likelihood of me picking up the sequel is small.


current progress: book one read

I actually really loved the first book, so even I am surprised I don’t want to read the sequel. It is a book for younger audiences, and I feel like I’ve outgrown the tone. It makes sense seeing as I’m no longer a teenager.

🍄 The Exact Opposite of Okay By Laura Steven Spoiler-Free Review


current progress: book one read

I told you before I haven’t been successful with Schwab’s books. Vicious was my biggest disappointment. I remember feeling that the characters and plot weren’t what I expected or wanted. Sometimes I think of rereading it to see if I’ve changed my opinion, but… I doubt it will happen.


current progress: book one read

Again not a bad book, but the plot was lacking for me. The tone and characters were entertaining enough but not enough for me to want to experience more.

Do you spot any series you love on this list? Have I made the right decision to finish or forget them? Do you finish most of the series you start? What would put you off a series?

44 thoughts on “Completed* Series I Want To Finish OR Forget

    1. Ahh… The Poppy War was so good! I really hope to finish that series soon!! 😍
      That spread sounds amazing!! Series can really build up, I can’t even think of the uncompleted series I want to finish 😂😂
      Yeah some series are not worth finishing 🙈😂


  1. Wow, so many series that I for one need to get started!!!! 😅 I know you can do it 💪🏻✨, even though I’ve done this type of post myself I need to do it again to actually have a place to check the series I need to finish and actually finish them 😂❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Honestly there are so many series, how is one to keep up 😂😅 thank youuuu 🥰
      These types of posts are definitely so useful to keep track of series. It is also very satisfying to see them all lined up like so. Haha best of luck with all your series 💜

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Yes I totally relate to the feeling youve mentioned. TDA, And I Darken & Throne Of Glass were all incredible yet atm I’ve failed to finish all three 🙈 and that’s just to mention a few.

    I really thought you’d read all of The Poppy War books or at least two of them 🤔 I still need to read all three. I’ve heard such good things though so I’m super excited to get to them. I hope you adore the sequels.

    I want to read all the series you plan to continue. I’m so intrigued by Forest Of Souls and its promise of a unique villian. Girls Of Paper & Fire and Raybearer have been on my kindle forever 🙈 you know how much I want to read all things Grisha & after all I’ve heard I know I need to check out These Violent Delights.

    From what I remember Charmcaster is my favourite of the Spellslinger series (that I’ve read so far, I’ve only got the first three read) but I also enjoyed book two more than book one so idk. I hope if you do give book three a chance you enjoy it.
    Omg can’t believe ADSOM is here. That’s so high on my TBR but you did say it wasn’t your favourite. I hope you find a Schwab book you love sometime. I’d suggest one but you already know the two that I’ve read 😅 so need to catch up on her books this year.

    I’m so sorry to hear about Wayward Son. Didn’t you get a super pretty edition of it & everything?
    I’m sorry to hear about Last Magician too. That’s another on my TBR that I hope to get to soon. I’m surprised to see We Set The Dark here too as I’ve seen a few people rave about it.

    Besides the ones I mentioned earlier I really want to get the Sookie Stackhouse series finished this year & Artemis Fowl. Both I read most of years ago then somehow never picked up the last books/book.

    Good luck catching up. You can do it ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yep, all the series are waiting 😅 I know some series are great and I still fail to make time for them 🙈 best of luck with finishing your series, especially those three. Hope you continue to love them!!

      I wish I had read all of the poppy war books… I’ve talked about it enough (maybe that’s why 🙈) hopefully this year 🤞🏻 yay, I hope you love them!! Thank youuu 💚

      That’s great!! I hope you get to pick up forest of souls because I really feel like more people should read it. Yeah the villain was unique in ability!!
      Ahh… They are waiting for you!! I hope you love all the series first books for sure!! 🥰

      Hearing Charmcaster is your favourite so far gives me hope! Haha but we had mixed of feelings for the previous ones 🤔. Regardless I am more curious now so thank you ❤️
      I know, if I wasn’t 100% I wanted to continue, they went in the doubting pile 🙈😅 I hope I find a schwab book I love too! Haha I know your favourite for sure, but I do plan on trying addie out as you know so 🤞🏻🤞🏻 best of luck catching up on their books ❤️

      I did get the special edition for wayward son 😔… But I have since past it on to someone who was only missing that special edition for the series so a satisfying end in its own way!
      The Last Magician was a good read, I just feel no urge to continue randomly. I hope you love it more than me anyway.
      We Set The Dark On Fire had promise I think, I just can’t remember and don’t see myself rereading it!

      Oohh I really hope you get to finish and enjoy those two series. It is nice when you can put ones you started a while ago to bed!!

      Thank you so much Charlotte 💜💜

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      1. On my tbr too 🙈 and I’m glad it’s not just me. But hope both of us finish some of the series we loved soon. Aww thank you ❤ I hope you love all of these too.

        Maybe. Probably?? I hope to read them all this year too. Maybe we should both aim to before Babel releases?

        I definitely do want to. I’ll let you know when I finally do. I probably would have already if my tbr wasn’t so crazy. Ooh yay!!
        Thank you 💗💗

        I think I found the disease interesting in the second book. The third added more to some of the other characters I think. Although if been a while so I can only remember bits of it. Hence my failure to finish the series so far, I feel like I need to reread the first three for a reminder. Let me know if you do give it a chance.
        Ah right. Makes sense to be tough though I guess. At least until you’ve caught up a little. I’m sure you will eventually as they all sound as if they differ a lot. I so hope you love that one 🧡🧡

        Aww well at least you found someone to pass it onto.
        Thank you. I’ll let you know how I find it.
        Ah right. Tbh being a dystopia I’m surprised I haven’t read it yet.

        Thank you 💗💗 I hope you get to catch up on and enjoy all of these.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Not at alone! Hopefully and thank youuuu ❤️❤️

          Haha yay! Do it! That sounds like a good idea because I really need to read them. I may even reread the poppy war idk. That’s September, we should be able to do that 💪🏻

          Yayyy!! I totally understand, all the books are waiting for us 😅

          I struggle to remember details about the spellslinger series tbh. I don’t think the new character in the second book gripped me in. I know not remembering can be such a pain!! I will 🧡
          Yeah!! Definitely once caught up on the ones I want I may be more open then! They are all different, it’s why it is nice to try the different ones out! Thank you 🥰

          Indeed! Yay, thank you!! Aw.. Hope you love it especially as you don’t get many dystopia anymore.

          Thank youuuu 💞

          Liked by 1 person

          1. ❤❤

            I always seem to reread earlier books before finishing a series now. Probably part of why I’m so behind. But yes definitely something we should be able to do!!

            Probably impatiently 🙈

            I do too but im sure if I reread it most of it would feel familiar. Ah right.
            Yeah maybe. It’s good to have a smaller chunk to tackle first too. Seems less daunting that way.

            Thank you. I hope more will start coming out again soon.


            Liked by 1 person

            1. Yeah rereading first book makes me delaying series too but I will do more this year!! Yayyy, let’s do it ❤️
              It will all come flooding back when you open the book up again 🤞🏻 exactly, smaller chunks are always less intimidating!!
              Hopefully then 💞💞

              Liked by 1 person

              1. Good luck. And yes let’s!! I’ll majorly try to get to Poppy War in August 🤞 possibly sooner.
                Yes true, books do tend to recap on major elements. Yes they are. I should probably break my tbr down into sections 😅

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  3. OKAY BUT I AM SO BEHIND ON COMPLETING SERIES AS WELL?!?😭😭 I always just start a series and leave it and don’t pick up the next book for three months, by then I don’t even remember what happened 💀💀

    THE POPPY WAR EEKK, I’ve heard absolutely BRILLIANT things about it, I NEED TO GET TO IT NOW!! I’ve heard it’s super dark and has a military school setting so I’m really hoping I’ll love it!!

    I’m really reluctant to start king of scars because of THE HEARTBREAK ENDURED IN THE ENDING OF CROOKED KINGDOM, I’ve also been seeing a lot of mixed reviews about so I don’t think I’ll be reading it soon 😅😅

    And guess what the shades of magic trilogy is the only series I’ve completed from your list AND I’M PROUD OF MYSELF HAHAH!! But I completely agree with your point about the wow factor, it doesn’t really get much better in the second book but the finale complete makes up for it!! I really hope you love it whenever you complete it ❤

    Carry on, ahh I loved it!! But I tried getting into the sequel and I basically could not get pst a few pages :(((

    Loved this post so much!!💖💖💖💖

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I know, why is completing series so hard 😭😭😂 the first book can suck you in and I still forget to get the sequel 😔😅 literally, why can’t my memory be better. That’s the secret benefit to writing reviews I swear (but I never do that anymore 😂)

        The Poppy War was amazing but truly very dark!! It had a lot of great detail and intriguing characters. I hope you love it if you pick it up!!

        I honestly found King of Scars more emotional than Crooked Kingdom 😭😭 I think King of Scars doesn’t have as compelling a plot as it should but still very enjoyable if you aren’t feeling too critical. It’s one of those books 😂

        Ahh.. Yay!! Well done on finishing the shades of magic series! I am kinda jealous of you now 😂 finishing series… What a concept!!
        Oohh interesting.. The finale is certainly looking more appealing 😍 thank youuu 💜

        Yeah the sequel was really unnecessary!! 🙈 I don’t blame you for not finishing it!

        Thank you so much Suhani!! 💜💜


  4. i’m so behind on series as well ahhh! i need to read our violent ends ASAP i’ve heard too many things! and hey, i mean, at least you started all of these series! half of them i haven’t even started yet LOL.
    and omg i thought i was the only one who didn’t love illuminae??? it bored me way too much tbh.
    great post, and good luck finishing all of these series!!💜

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I wish I was on top of all my series… I wonder if it would make me feel like a capable human at all 😂
      Our Violent Ends should be amazing! I hope you get to read it soon (and love it)!!
      Haha true, a start is something! I hope you can get to the ones you want soon tho!!
      Yessss thank you!! Illuminae was not the one for me… I felt like I was pushing through it at some points!
      Thank youuu so much Kaya 💜💜

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  5. I usually like to wait for series to be complete so I can binge them all in one go, as I find when I wait between books I’m definitely not as likely to finish the series.

    I actually have loads of DNF’d series in common with you! For Spellslinger and Shades of Magic I didn’t even finish the first book. Like you I just don’t think I get on with Schwab’s writing and I’m not even sure why. And I read and enjoyed A Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue years ago, but never felt the need to pick up any of the sequels. I don’t tend to go for companion novels, I prefer series to stay following the same characters, and I think the first book wrapped up the story nicely.

    I haven’t read any of the series you’re planning to continue, but a few are on my TBR and I hope you love them! 🥰

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Waiting for series to be complete is a great idea and in the past I tend to read them in one go as well which I love!!

      Oohh interesting!! Yeah I haven’t clicked with Schwab’s books so far… I may give their books one more chance but I’m skeptical. I can’t pinpoint either… Because the concept always intrigue me so much too!
      Very true, for companion novels I think you have to be invested in the concept and author!! The first book provided a satisfying end already!!

      Thank youuu Abi 💚 I hope you enjoy all these series you plan on starting 🥰🥰

      Liked by 1 person

  6. I absolutely adore the poppy war series and I hope the sequels make it even better for you! I also highly doubt I would pick up the rest fo the Montague sibling series because as fun as it was Ive learnt historic romances don’t generally work for me 😦

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yay, glad you love the poppy war series. I am SO excited to continue and I have a lot of hope for them!! Thank youuu ❤️
      Yeah it was just fun for a change, but I don’t feel the need for more! Historical romances aren’t typically my thing either!!


  7. I would suggest you don’t read the sequel to we set the dark on fire. I buddy read the duology with two friends and while we all really enjoyed the first book, two of us wish we never touched the second one and the third couldn’t even complete it lol. It’s quite different from the first one and honestly a huge let down :/

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh really!! I hadn’t heard too much about the sequel to be honest. But that is such a shame!! Thank you for telling me about that 😟 I wouldn’t why it ended up so different 🤔 sorry to hear it!


  8. What an incredible list of series Sophie! I’ve left many of these unread or incomplete and am hoping to finish them at some point 😆✨ I need to finish Heroine Complex and the finale to the Crier’s War duology, I’ve really enjoyed both of them. There’s a few I don’t mind leaving unfinished because maybe the first installment wasn’t for me or I got enough out of just the first book. Such a fun post 😍

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha thank youuu ❤️ yes it is far too easy to leave series unfinished at times 😅 I hold you get to finish all those you want to at some point though 🥰
      I really hope you enjoy the rest of heroine complex and criers war too 💜
      I definitely feel like some series don’t need to be finished 😅
      Thank youuu 🥰

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  9. Oh I also have so many series I need to complete 😱 Dani & Eve Brown are SO good (for me they were even better than the first book), so I hope you enjoy them as well 🥰 I also loved Saints and Misfits and haven’t read the sequel yet, mostly because I’m so nervous I won’t like it as much 😅

    I’m still planning on continuing ADSOM and Simon Snow, though I’ll definitely read the former first! I was also a bit let down by Wayward Son and keep hearing mixed reviews about the third book, so it feels like this was a series that didn’t need to be one 😅 I hope you might continue the Cassidy Blake books a chance if your library got them, the audiobooks are such quick reads 😄

    Liked by 1 person

    1. So many series 😂😂 best of luck finishing them! 🥰 I am soo happy to hear Dani & Eve were even better than the first one. I hope I get to read them soon! Thank youuu 💜
      I really hope Misfits in Love can be everything you want it to be 🥰🤞🏻

      I really hope you end up enjoying those two series still! I agree Carry On should have been left a standalone really but maybe you will enjoy the third book more anyway?!
      It would be nice if my library got the Cassidy Blake books but I am feeling quite doubtful at the mo, you never know though. The first was a fun read 👻

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  10. ahhh, i really want to read misfit in love as well and i had no idea they’d changed the cover for saints and misfits! the new one is so pretty! i really hope the sequel lives up to it.

    as someone who really enjoyed our violent ends, i hope you do too! i think plot-wise this one is not the strongest, and repeats some of the tropes and events of the first one, but the twists the author does in the original romeo and juliet story are so shocking and fantastic!

    as someone who continued on the simon snow series and just grew to hate it by the end, PRESERVE YOURSELF!! DON’T FINISH IT!! but also my heart is breaking a little that you feel the same way about the montague siblings trilogy because these are my comfort characters lol and i love them very much!

    my most recent DNFed series was philip pullman’s his dark materials. i already thought the 2nd book was a bit meh and the 3rd one has such bad reviews, i really don’t have the motivation to pick it up hahah

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Fingers crossed Misfit in Love is a great read for us both. I love the premise so I am eager to experience it! I know, I love the cover change too 😍 you don’t get a lot of purple either 💜

      So happy to hear your enjoyed our violent ends. Thank youuu! Shame about the plot not being the strongest but shocking twists certainly intrigue me. I need to read it soon so I don’t get spoiled for them 😍😍

      I did think of your review for the final Simon Snow book and I was like nope, just going to leave it! Such a shame 😑
      Aww.. I’m sorry 😅 I am glad they are comfort characters for you. They certainly had a lot of character! 🤣

      I have always wondered about reading His Dark Materials but never felt any umph to. It is sad to hear it almost degrades it quality as it goes on. I totally understand how bad reviews put you off a series you already weren’t loving tho 🤣

      Thank you for reading and commenting Lais 💞💞


  11. I feel so attacked by the start of your post 😂😂 I’m terrible with series, I often read the first book and it takes me AGES, or I completely forget about the rest of it all and just… don’t continue. 😂 I really need to read Raybearer, so many people adore it! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha I attacked myself too 😂😂 finishing series is not my gift 🙈😂😂 yessss I am forever forgetting what happened then never getting around to the sequel! It is a struggle 😅
      Please read Raybearer! I loved it 😍

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  12. The only book I truly loved by Schwab was Vicious, and I feel like were I to read it now (or read the sequel), even that would disappoint me. 😦 I bought the Shades of Magic trilogy together, so after finishing the lukewarm first book, I picked up the second one, which was even worse, haha. I ended up not reading the third book despite owning it.. My issue with Schwab is that I tend to feel disconnected from her characters and I’m also usually not a big fan of her stories. I loved the formatting of The Illuminae Files, but the final book was a bit disappointing for me. I wouldn’t go as far as to say that it ruined the series for me, but there were a few elements that made me really angry / uncomfortable, which left a bad taste in my mouth. I’m sad Crier’s War didn’t work for you as I love the duology, but it can’t be everyone’s favorite. I really loved reading this post, Sophie! 😍

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I feel like it is rare to find someone who hasn’t clicked with schwab and I have 😱😂 at least vicious worked for you at the time, I can see its merit but it wasn’t what I expected!
      Lukewarm is a good way to describe the ADSOM, because I was waiting for more. And the second is worse. Nooo 😂… I have heard the third is the best but I don’t think I can be bothered with any of it to put it bluntly 😅 schwab has an unique voice but it doesn’t deliver what I want a lot of the time. I am very character driven too!
      The formatting in illuminae is a really cool concept. Oh no, final books are always the most risky but potentially ruining the series for you is such a shame. I hate it when that happens!!
      Crier’s War was by no means bad, just lacking the umph for me to continue. I am so happy you loved it though!
      Thank you sooo much Vera 💞❤️ and thank you for the comment, I loved hearing your thoughts 🥰

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