The Curse of the Unbreakable Schedule!!

Hey everyone!

So at the beginning of this year, I said I was going to post 2 times a week. And I am determined not to break this promise. I am really intent on sticking to this schedule. It is like I have made an unbreakable vow* to myself.

*To bind a fellow wizard to a promise. The wizards will die if they break the promise. [Source:]

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So today I thought I would talk about what uploading regularly is like and the pros and cons of it (with lots of Harry Potter gifs just because)!!

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If I post 2 times a week for the whole year that is about 104 posts which is quite a lot when you think about it like that. Creating a post involves many things; having an idea, drafting, editing, pictures/graphics and layout. You have to do this continuously to keep to the schedule. So, what are the benefits and struggles of this process?

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Posting regularly is the best because…


It helps you have a routine. I like having a structured routine of when to upload and how many posts to write. Before I had a schedule I fell into a *cough, cough* 6-month hiatus *cough* because I didn’t really have anything pushing me to post. Then I set myself a goal about how many posts I want to publish so I could hold myself accountable. This is a great feeling and, in the words of Harry Potter, it’s completely…

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It helps in terms of growth and stats!! If you are producing regular content, it helps your blog grow in terms of engagement and numbers. This isn’t what blogging is about or why you should choose to blog but it is a nice feeling. Plus getting to interact with more people about things you love is really nice. Also, regular uploads mean you are more likely to have consistent views. Basically the more you post, the more visitors you can get.

Your reaction when your stats grow:

Image result for harry potter happy gifimage of red single line divider.


The more posts you write, the more likely you are to develop your own voice and know what you like writing. Obviously, regular posting means you create lots of regular posts so by spending lots of time on something, you get better. You get to find out what your favourite posts to write are and become better at writing them the more you do it. The hard work pays off.

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It is great for helping you to become more time-efficient and organised. with having an upload schedule you will need to think ahead and plan out blog posts. You will also need to use your time accordingly so you can make the best use of your time and decide what you want to prioritise.

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These are skills that are useful for life and you are using your own initiative to (hopefully) better these skills which is great!!

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The struggles of posting regularly are…


THE PRESSURE (‘pushing down on me‘) can be very high which can lead to getting stressed and I’m sure you’re familiar with that horrible feeling. When you are trying to produce content you love on a regular basis, whilst handling life and every little thing, you can reach a melting point and become a puddle of emotions very quickly. 

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So, whilst regularly posting seems ideal in theory. The reality can be a bit harder as you aren’t a content-producing machine so it can put a toll on you emotionally.

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You produce content you aren’t in love with but you need a post out so you post it anyway. Whilst you will find posts you love to write, you will probably find posts you don’t love to write but end up getting posted. It is the age-old quantity vs. quality debate. Sometimes you won’t have time to write a certain post how you want as it needs to be posted soon so its quality is not as high as you want. I wouldn’t want to lose the quality of a post for the sake of quantity but when you are feeling the pressure of an upload date maybe an unsatisfactory post will slip through.

Me reading my old writing…

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You run out of TIME (where art thou time??). Posting two posts a week requires a lot of time and planning. Although this can be useful at making you more organised, sometimes you just don’t have time for everything and you are begging for a time turner to solve your problems.

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Plus you have other things to do so it can be hard to dedicate time to blogging. You may end up sacrificing something you really like or pushing yourself too hard. You have to find that balance which can be really tricky.

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I think uploading regularly has many benefits and I definitely think it suits me/my lifestyle at the minute. And sometimes it is harder than other days but I think it is important to take breaks. I think having posts ready in my drafts and writing posts ahead of time helps me to have regular uploads.

But I don’t think I should sacrifice the quality I want to achieve on my posts or my emotional state just for the sake of an upload schedule. Yes, it can be disheartening but you have to do what’s best for you.

It is a choice, not an obligation.

I think it is a personal judgement call that differs between different people with different lives. There isn’t a right answer but the ability to look at what it takes and your life and see if it fits. Having consistent uploads helps me personally but that could be posting once a month, not necessarily twice a week. One isn’t better than the other, you shouldn’t feel guilty for not posting regularly or missing an upload schedule. It’s your blog and you get to run it how you want which should be to suit your best interest. 


What do you think?? What do you prefer to do– upload regularly or whenever I feel like?? Why??
How do you stay motivated to write? How do you handle the pressure?

33 thoughts on “The Curse of the Unbreakable Schedule!!

  1. I tried to post regularly but sometimes I don’t because I’m lazy lol. Still experimenting with my post schedule. I used to post regularly on either Monday/Thursday but I changed it to Tuesday/Friday now and would probably change it again after seeing my blog stats.

    While it’s true that posting regularly bring more stats, sometimes my stats are the same/more even if I don’t post anything. I’m confused lol

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha yes sometimes I can be really lazy as well– sometimes I surprise myself with how lazy I can be haha!! Yes your blog can always be flexible to suit when you want to post which is a good thing!!
      Yes that’s true stats can be so confusing sometimes– I can never predict them. They seem to have weird influxs and I’m like why?!? what did I do?!?! haha– I don’t think I will ever understand stats!!


  2. We post once a week, which is hard eniough! You are doing well at posting twice! U really love your content, but if you need more time to write, that’s understandable!
    Will read no matter what 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I think a good thing it that you can post as much as you want to post– I think it is important to not put too much pressure on yourself!! Ahh.. thank you so, so much— that’s really sweet!! I really appreciate it!! ❤

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  3. I definitely agree with alll of this. When I went on a trip to china, I lost most of my time and resources to draft posts so all I had to rely on were the posts a wrote before leaving. some of them were.. not the best but I made do lol, and it came to a point where I lost the motivation to draft posts there because I only had my phone and I was really busy so I just posted once a week, which isn’t bad but I could’ve been posting so much more. I definitely agree that if you post more , your writing gets better and you have abetter grasp of what you like to post. this was definitely something that bothered me when I was just relying on pre-written posts for the better part of a month. I also take such a long time to draft posts, like maybe two to three hours minimum. I’m just a perfectionist through and through and I read the words I write like five times to look for flaws I’m not kidding. I actually set a goal for myself to post three times a week, but I think that two is fine with me, and if I don’t feel like drafting a post, I shouldn’t force myself. Again, this was such a great post and i agree with everything you wrote!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ahh.. I’m so glad you agreed with what I said. Yes certain events in your life can make you busier so if you want to keep on schedule you have to rely on posts you have already written and the busier you are, the less time you have to work on the posts going up and you can lose motivation. It can be quite hard which is why I think it is important to not put too much pressure on yourself and posts when you want, not because you think you should.
      Yes I think posting regularly has really helped me develop what I want my blogger voice to be and what posts I want to write.
      Yes sometime with pre-written posts, what you like to post had slightly changed so they are not what you want but you don’t have anything else.
      Yes it can take be a while to draft as well, especially as I don’t think I am the best at editing. I read what I think should be there instead of what is there!! Yes being a perfectionist would make it hard because you don’t want to let it go when you could make it better but in your head you can always make it better!!
      No I don’t think you should force yourself to write at all– you do it when you want!! I need to get better at remembering this myself. And 2 posts a week is great but so is anything you want to do!!
      Thank you so much, that is wonderful to hear!! ❤ Thank you for your lovely comment!! ❤


    2. Hi! Did you see my previous comments? I hope so! You seem wonderful and super cool, and I loved this post! I’m trying to keep to my new schedule as well. Best of luck!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes Harry Potter improves every situation!! haha!!
      I did, thank you so much– I really appreciated it! And it’s lovely to meet you!! I’m sorry I have been late replying as I was on holiday– trying to get way more organised this week *fingers crossed* haha!!
      Ah.. thank you so much!! Best of luck with your schedule too– they are really useful to help you know what you are doing!! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  5. I love what you wrote in this. When I first started my blog, I was determined to post every day to keep content going, keep the stats and brand growing, and because I thought, I mean, how will I run out of ideas and it can’t take that long, right? Poor naive myself. XD It really does take so much time and pressureeeeeeeee. A schedule is a perfect and much needed breaks can work out. Sha and I found that we were doing that – just churning out posts with a downgrade in quality – so we decided to take a pause. Wonderful post, and it definitely reminded me the importance of the schedule. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ahh.. I’m glad you liked what I said. Wow every day that sounds like hard work. Yes at the beginning I was really naive too— like this won’t take much time and it will be a breeze haha!! Yes it is very time-consuming and I seem to put a lot of pressure on myself. That’s why I think some of the best advice is to try not to put pressure on yourself and the best pace is your own pace.
      I find a schedule really helpful for myself and keeps me organised but breaks are so important as you want to enjoy it and be excited about what you are posting. I hope your pause helped you both!!
      Thank you so much!! ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  6. This was such a great post, Sophie! I applaud you for making a goal of posting twice a week (because gosh, if only I could be that on top of things), and for your amazing usage of Harry Potter gifs 💛💛💛


      1. Ahh.. thank you so much!! I’m trying haha– I think having a really long break last year where I planned and drafted some posts really helped so we’ll see where it goes when I don’t have that haha!! I said I was going to do Blogmas this year but I not so sure now haha!!
        Thank you— I did enjoy finding the Harry Potter gifs– I like linking everything to Harry and I might continue to do so in every day life!! 😉
        Ahh.. thank you so much Kat!!! ❤ I had some fun on Canva (even if the app randomly stops working at times)!!

        Liked by 1 person

  7. LOVED THIS. I’ve never been able to get my point where I have a goal to post a certain number of times a week. I think mentally, a while back, I wanted to try and aim for once a week but it’s just never been workable because I always get so busy! Plus, sometimes I’m just not motivated at all to write which sucks. :/ I’ve also always liked the idea of scheduling posts for the month in advance but BHAHAHAHAA, THIS HAS NEVER HAPPENED.

    Loved all your HP gifs too!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ahh.. Thank you so much!! 💛 yes I think a schedule can work for some people and not for others. Before I didn’t have one and I never had the motivation to post so it really helped me but sometimes it can feel like a lot of pressure and you have to keep to it or else. When you get to choose that 😂 and a good thing about blogging is it gets to suit you!!

      Yes when you’re not motivated to write it can be really hard and you don’t want to force yourself to write because that’s the worse.
      Haha– I schedule a week before maybe but months would be the dream– slightly unrealistic though 😂😂
      Thank you– got to love a bit of Harry Potter right?!?! 😂

      Liked by 1 person

  8. I really, really loved this post! I totally agree. There are benefits and downsides to posting, but at the moment I’m leaning toward the benefits.

    We used to not have any real schedule, and it was very difficult. But now every month I plan on a calander the general schedule for the month. I start with reviews. I add in some tags, and some discussions we’ve had in mind. Then I leave a day or two blank with a generic “discussion” or “review” that way there’s some lee-way. Being able to look ahead and plan in advance has been lifesaving, and it’s helped with stats too!

    But there are times when a post doesn’t come together as fast as we thought it would and it becomes difficult to decide whether we should post on time and stick to the schedule, or cut ourselves some slack and figure out how to fix the schedule instead.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much!! That’s so lovely to hear. 💛
      Yes I was the same as I never had a schedule and it wasn’t working for me so I love how helpful it has been and my organised heart just loves it. I love the way you organise your schedule and you leave some blank as new ideas sprout up all the time– that’s a really good idea. It is good to have a plan.
      Yes that can be difficult as you might have to cram and it can stress you out so it can be hard to know which you should prioritise. 😊
      Like you said their are benefits and downsides but I think it is personal if it works for you and I’m glad it works for you! 😊
      Thank you for the lovely comment!!💕


  9. Used to post so more often before. About 3 times a week I think. Now time has made it much harder for me sto stick with a set schedule and I just post whenever an idea strikes. It’s inconsistent, but I’d rather do that than give up blogging altogether! I still like to regularly pop up in other blogs and engage in other places.

    I think for most of us the stress from the pressure is the worst, and when it comes to blogging, if it’s not your job, then it’s not very nice to feel that way. So I’m taking it easy for now trying to post at least once a week.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. 3 times a week is a lot!! Yes I think finding time is a hard aspect and with a schedule it can make it harder as you only have a bit of time before you have to upload again. Yes I think having no schedule is still good if it works for you. Blogging should be for enjoyment and it can fit it when you have time for it.

      Yes you don’t want blogging to be added stress to your life and unfortunately sometimes it is so you have to make it suit you and your life. Posting once a week is still very good!! 😊
      Thank you for the great comment 💛


      1. Yes, it took me a while, but if you blog to get away from the stress then it sucks when the very thing that is supposed to be fun and laid-back becomes a chore. I think we create better content when we’re enjoying ourselves so that’s become really important for me as well 🙂 ♥

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  10. Pingback: June Wrap Up
  11. I’ve been blogging since 2014 and at the beginning, I would force myself so much to have a blog post every day. So much so, I stopped blogging. The pressure got to me. So I took a year long hiatus. And when I decided to start blogging again, I didn’t feel like going back to blogging on my blog Latte Nights Reviews. So my ex-co-blogger manages it from now on and I decided to start fresh. Now, I only stick to 2 to 3 posts per week, plus the weekly Rewind. And I’ve been getting way more views than I ever expected! I’m almost at 10k views since I started in April 2019. I never expected that! So I decided to stick to this and it’s working great 🙂
    Genesis @ Whispering Chapters

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Wow every day would be a lot of hard work– I can’t imagine that!! That does sound like a lot of pressure! I can understand taking a break!!
      Yes I think starting fresh can be good as you are excited and feel reenergise!! 2-3 posts a week is still a very good amount!! You are doing amazing!! Wow 10K well done– that’s incredible!! 🎉🎉 Yes it sounds like it is going really well and I hope you are enjoying it with less pressure!! 😊 Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this topic!!


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