May Wrap Up | Lots of Epic Ends And Maybe Some Not So Epic Ends?!?!

Hey everyone!!

I hope you had a great May and read some fabulous books!! May didn’t include anything notable for me really but it has been like the comeback of the spiders and I hate it!! They seem to be everywhere and it is causing a lot of stress!! But other than this it has been a good month!!

But let’s get on to what I read and watched this month (because that’s the most exciting part)!!


The Lies of Locke Lamora by Scott Lynch//⭐⭐⭐⭐// A high fantasy book with a great main character. I really recommend this to fantasy lovers who adore a mischievous thief. The book has many good points, it has excellent world-building, perfectly morally grey characters and a plot that had gotten many different layers and isn’t afraid to give the characters problem after problem. Locke Lamora is clever, funny and a really compelling character. The only reason I am not rating it 5-star is because it didn’t have that ‘feel’. But I did love reading it, even if it did take me half of the month.

Stars Above by Marissa Meyer//⭐⭐.5// A collection of short stories from The Lunar Chronicles. I enjoyed the Lunar Chronicles, it had a great cast of characters and I would say the short stories are for fans of the series. And I definitely appreciate wanting every detail from a world you love but I still think the stories could have been better. I am not the biggest fan of short stories but as you were following characters you know it was better. BUT some stories didn’t feel like they had much going for them and slightly pointless in my opinion. Although I did really enjoy Winter and Jacin’s story, so I am glad I read it for that. Full review on Goodreads.

The Boy Who Steals Houses by C. G. Drews//⭐⭐⭐.5//This story follows Sam who is dealing with A LOT and is feeling quite lonely but when we meet him as things might begin to change. You see him running from his past, wanting to protect his autistic brother and wanting a home and to be seen. I think it is an interesting story with some lovely, heartfelt scenes between some great characters (Avery and the De Laineys are wonderful). But I wasn’t fully invested in the romance and didn’t always connect with the story. But I still really enjoyed reading this. Full review on Goodreads.

I Am The Messenger by Markus Zusak//⭐⭐⭐⭐.5//I really liked this book and it just reminded me how much I love Markus Zusak writing. I listened to this on audiobook and I really love this format. I think it helped get the voice and the sense of humour across. I loved this book because it is about the ordinary and it just covered so many emotions we feel and about valuing the little things. Also it had a mystery element which definitely made me curious and by the end you just have to read it all and it was definitely interesting. But I really loved it– for the story and what it meant more than anything. The characters are likeable but there are not my favourite characters ever but I love what the story tells you– you can connect it to yourself. I just finished this so I am kind of still processing it but I hope to do a review!!


Avengers: Endgame//The end of an era *cries* I watched this at the very beginning of the month and I still don’t feel like I have processed it. It had a lot of good things. The fighting scenes in this movie were brilliant and a massive group of characters who you love coming together to fight evil will always be incredible and visually it was BEAUTIFUL. I liked the characters that were put at the forefront of the story as it was the end of this era so I am glad that those characters were focused on I would have liked some other characters to have been touched on more but I get why they didn’t, kind of? I really want to re-watch it and I did really love it. And I think saying that the 3 hours felt like 1 hour sums up how epic it was and the fact that I could cry with all the emotions whilst thinking about it sums up how I feel about it.

Game of Thrones: The Final Season// Oohh.. there have been a lot of opinions surrounding this. And I was left feeling unsatisfied with the season finale. I expected more of a clever plot with twists and interesting character conflicts and I just think it fell flat for me. As much as there were epic battles I think something was missing and they was a few continuity errors and I think some information and characters ended up feeling a bit pointless in a way. But the cinematography has been AMAZING. Some scenes were visually astonishing and the dragons, WOW!! Also, the acting has been great as always. It was the writing that let it down, unfortunately.

  • Podd (my favourite character) remained great this season– I love my perfect fave– he had a great end (YASS he is a knight) and I love every scene with him. (even if I am lowkey disappointed he isn’t the king)
  • Jon and Ghost are together which I am so happy about– almost had a panic when Jon left Ghost. And I am glad he is with Tormund (when Tormund and Jon reunited and hugged it was epic) but there was something unsatisfactory about his ending though. I didn’t like him killing Daenarys even though I could see it coming from episode 5 and he was barely involved with the Night King when they felt like such a big plot for him. I was expected more from the Night Walkers in general (like what was the point?) and I was unsure what happened with Melisandre tbh.
  • In my Game of Thrones predictions post I wrote that I expected Daenarys to die and I didn’t think I wanted her on the throne as I wanted in to be unexpected but I take that back now. We followed her on a journey and it would have been nice to see her on the throne with the Daenarys that we loved– she was very just and that was an important part of her character and its like that was forgotten in a way. I understand why fans of her are disappointed. I wasn’t the biggest fan of her and I’m disappointed.
  • Jaime it was a shame about his character arc and I understand why fans would be disappointed in that as well.
  • Sansa I thought she would be more involved and come with up a clever plot but I am happy where she ended up as The Queen in the North (that whole Stark montage at the end was beautiful) and she deserved it. Even though I was slightly disappointed all the Starks separated as it was always ‘the pack survives’ but I guess it kind of makes sense.
  • Arya— I am glad she stopped just seeking revenge and that the hound helped her realise there is more to life that getting revenge. As much as I love her powerful fighting, it doesn’t need to be everything.
  • Bran– long may he reign I guess– it’s not bad at all. He would be a fair ruler I believe and he has a good team around him. But it was kind of random so it wasn’t as satisfying as it would have been if it had been someone else.

John Wick: Chapter 3- Parabellum// There was a lot of action and I mean A LOT. There probably wasn’t a lot else so if I ever need inspiration for an action sequence when writing I highly advise watching this. It is impressive and well-filmed, I appreciate the skills behind making this film. Also, the system built up in these movies is GREAT. It is set in our society but there have built an assassin world within and every detail is thought out and I love that. It is unique in that sense. But due to the heavy action it wouldn’t be a movie I would watch a lot as I like more character and dialogue in my movies.

The Big Bang Theory Final Season//I really enjoyed the final season and this is how you do a last episode. It was an emotional goodbye but kept the humour. It also linked back to the beginning and I really like that. Plus it covered topics that had gone on before and gave them a satisfactory conclusion but you can still imagine the character’s lives going on afterwards (I know its not real but in my head). I think ‘The Big Bang Theory’ are really good at relationships and it makes it very enjoyable to watch. And I love how it embraces ‘nerd’ culture, every time they make a reference I love it and I would love to be in many of their conversations. It remained strong in its last season and gave a really nice farewell.

Once Upon A Time Final Season// I think I lost interest in this series at one point but I have watched it all now and it does have some brilliant complex characters, character arcs and some beautiful scenes in general but I don’t love every episode. The last season wasn’t my favourite, it was quite different and for me, it dragged a little bit and I wasn’t invested in all the characters. But the last ever episode was good and I am happy with how it has left the world and the characters so in terms of that it was a great finale.

Timeless Finale Part 1 and 2// After it got cancelled at the end of season 2 it was given two episodes as a ‘finale movie’ and I was excited because season 2 was amazing. But, unfortunately, it wasn’t what I wanted– it must have been hard when the writers had probably planned to wrap it up over a couple more seasons and they only got 2 episodes. The plot was not as complex as I would like and relationships weren’t given enough time to sufficiently develop. It was alright and I’m still glad I got to see the EPICNESS that was season 2 and do recommend watching it all for that!


  • McDonald’s has released an iced coffee and I AM SO HAPPY!!! It is delicious!!
  • Writing- I am at the point when I realise I have to change things because it is a mess but I also don’t want to let things go. But it will be better if I do. Also, I am doing some proper world-building because I hadn’t done any and I can’t believe I hadn’t done it sooner. But I am very EXCITED!!!
  • I am currently very tired as well (which may or may not be shown in the editing of this post *laughs through tears*)


I am going to be writing more reviews on Goodreads from now on so if you like my reviews follow/friend me on there as I hope to write most of my reviews there but some will still be on my blog!!

Blog Hopping:

  • Brianna @ Brianna the Bookworm shared some books which had good mental health representation. It is a wonderful list with lots of great books. She also included a quote from each one which I loved.
  • Micheala @ A Novel Idea did a Hogwarts house book tag which had some great questions and she wrote really in-depth answers which were really interesting to read.
  • Lauren @ Twenty Seven Letters did a post all about her experience at BEA and Bookcon (Yes I am currently looking at everyone there and wanting to be there myself). I loved reading about her experience with some amazing authors and she provided some great tips which I definitely would use if I am ever lucky enough to attend.
  • Ally @ Ally Writes Things wrote a post talking about the different type of reviewers and it was amazing!! You can definitely see the different types and she wrote in a humorous way and it was great to see which one you were. I think I was the thorough reviewer because all my reviews on basically over 1000 word!!!!
  • Fadwa @ Word Wonders wrote a lovely post talking about whether heavy topics should be in Young Adult books and she wrote it so perfectly and I 100% agree with her.
  • CW @ The Quiet Pond wrote about how to read more diverse books and why it is important. It was a brilliant post and has lots of helpful tips and resources to have diversify your reads.
  • Nyx @ Drizzle and Hurricane books did the perfect book tag where she talked about different things that would make a book perfect for her– from boyfriend to genre to family to ending. It is a really fun tag and I loved reading her answers.
  • Rain @ bookdragonism did a Edelweiss tips and tricks post and I have never used Edelweiss so this was really helpful to read and so useful if you want to know more about getting involved with requesting arcs off Edelweiss. It was a great post.
  • Malka @ Paper Procrastinators did a post about the struggles of reviewing and I could definitely relate to this– I think reviews take the longest to write and it can be hard to find the right words and sometimes my poor memory doesn’t help with this. It was a great post and you should absolutely check it out.
  • Divine @ Rea(d)ivine did a post about amazing book covers and their artists and WOW so many pretty covers and she gives the incredible artists credit which they more than deserve so it was great to read.

Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed hearing about my month. And thank you for all the support and love you have given me— it really means a lot and I can’t thank you all enough <3!!

Also this week of June (03/06), I am going on holiday for a week so my posts are up as normal but I won’t be around that much to blog hop or reply to comments. I will be back on the weekend so I will catch up then. I’m so sorry I will be slightly absent but it’s not for too long!!

As always, I wish you an AMAZING June and happy reading. Also happy pride month!! ❤


Tell me about your month, What did you think to Game of Thrones? What was your favourite book you read?
Do you love iced coffee as much as me? (I think it is one of my favourite things ever)
Have many unread books do you have on your bookshelf?

28 thoughts on “May Wrap Up | Lots of Epic Ends And Maybe Some Not So Epic Ends?!?!

    1. Thank you so much!! ❤ I had a really nice time!! Yes I did have a good month thank you– I certainly seemed to have watched a lot of TV (oops) haha!! Yes I would recommend the book— I really like Locke and I think it was a great fantasy book!! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  1. I really feel like I need to read ‘The Lies Of Locke Lamora’ sometime. I’ve seen several good things about it. I mostly agree with you about Game Of Thrones – the acting and effects were superb but the writing did let it down. Some storylines I think I’d have been fine with if they weren’t so rushed. The main thing I don’t really agree with is the choice of leader. I feel like they could have spoken up about several things that were coming and saved a lot of lives so I don’t really think they’d be the greatest leader. I actually kind of feel like they manipulated their way to the throne (although I’m trying to be rather vague in this comment as I don’t want to put any spoilers in it for people who haven’t seen it). Oh and I also felt like Cersei needed a lot more scenes than she had this season.

    I do completely agree with you about The Big Bang Theory though. I haven’t seen all of the final season – I didn’t go to watch it straight away then only a few episodes were included on catch up /: – but I did really enjoy the last one. It still made me laugh out loud in places. I saw somewhere (I really can’t remember where) that nothing major happened in the final but I can’t see how that’s true (especially since what I read listed one thing that did happen as being absent). One of the other major things was science related which, in this show, was perfectly fitting – it was basically the most monumental thing that could happen. I did feel kind of bad for Raj though. I love all of the references throughout – as you mentioned – and was particularity happy to see ‘Buffy’ in the final.

    To answer your other two questions: I’m not really a fan of coffee but I don’t mind some iced ones, occasionally. And I think the best answer book wise is too many :L I really don’t want to count as I’m scared to find out how many there actually are.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I thought ‘The Lies of Locke Lamora’ was a really good book and the world was great and I liked the characters particularly how Locke navigated the situations he was in. So I do recommend especially if you like fantasy and a character who is an excellent schemer.
      Yes some stories lines did seem rushed which was a shame after spending so much time with the characters. Now you mentioned that is true– he could have spoken up more. The leader wasn’t a character I particularly cared for and I can see your points about them. It wasn’t the most satisfying of endings. Yes I completely agree about Cersei— I thought she needed to be in it more as she was a main character and to have more to her story. She was clever and was viciously protective of her children so I thought she would have more of a plan.

      Ahh… I hate it when catch up takes the episodes down– its happened to me before and it’s so annoying. Hopefully you will be able to watch the ones you’ve missed one day. Yes the Big Bang does always makes me laugh. Oh I’m surprised someone said that nothing major happened in the finale. Yes I thought it had plenty happening– it was a big thing for the characters and science and it fitted the ending. I also thought it pointed on Sheldon and his relationship with everyone which was done really well. Yes Raj I did feel a bit sorry for but he did have his friends so I’m happy about that!! Yes the references are great and Buffy was a nice part of the finale haha!!

      Yes coffee is not for everyone– my sister doesn’t like it but I am loving it so much lately haha!! Haha I know dare I talk about how many books I’ve got to read!! 🙂
      I hope you have a great rest of June!! ❤

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I’m pretty sure that when I first read the blurb I got a sort of ‘Fagin’ vibe from it which was what initially made me want to pick it up. Anytime that I see it mentioned it seems to be in a positive way though. I definitely like the sound of it from what you’ve said too; I love characters who can scheme well (:
        I know, it really bothered me as it seemed to go against what they were like but, if more time had been taken, could have happened without throwing the previous character development away. It’s not like I particularly disliked them, I just feel like for how things ended they must have planned it. There are some bits of information that came out only to get them to the throne, it seemed. I don’t know though /: So did I. It’s like she suddenly forgot how to scheme and basically all of her scenes were her standing by that window. You’re right about her being viciously protective of her children though so she definitely should have been trying harder to survive because of that.

        I know, its such a pain. Especially if you’ve started to watch something then end up missing the middle /: It happened to me with the new Charmed too recently. I wasn’t sure about watching it so put it off then when I finally thought ‘oh I’ll try it out since I loved the original’ it had gone -_- I’m hoping it will get added again at some point. Thanks, I’m sure I will as it always on E4 lol Me too! Exactly, it had big things in their personal and professional lives. Plus you’re totally right about Sheldon, it showed how much he’s changed over the years and how much he cares. That’s true, I’m glad he still has them. It made me ridiculously happy that they included her :L

        I think I find it a bit strong but there are some latte type ones and one mocha that I like. I’m glad you’re enjoying it though. I feel exactly the same. Aww thank you, I hope you have a lovely rest of June too.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Yes I only have really heard good things about this and I can see why really 😂 yes I love scheming characters too!! 😊
          Yes I thought that too– they changed the characters characteristics which seemed really unrealistic. Yes it did need more time. Yes it did!! YES she needed more and her scenes were staring at the window 😂 I thought she would have fought harder!!

          I know it is annoying 😞 Yes hopefully charmed will be added for you then!! Yes E4 do replay it a lot 😂 yes exactly!! I thought it was really good!! 😊
          Aww.. Very nice!! Thank you! They have a variety of drinks as well which is cool!!
          Thank you 💛

          Liked by 1 person

          1. I’ll try my best to get to it soon! You never know what they’ll get up to next.
            It’s one of the things that let me down most. I would have thought so too as she’s always had a plan in the past even when things have looked bleak for her.
            Thanks (: So did I.
            That’s true. 💛

            Liked by 1 person

  2. Hmmmm. My favourite book I’ve read would have to be War Storm (Red Queen #4) as I love the series, and wanted to reread the most recent addition before I buy Broken Throne!
    Ice Cofee is great! I prefer hot coffee but Iced Cofee is still great if I can’t wait for something to be made, or it is too hot! Thank god for my Nespresso machine otherwise I would have collapsed ages ago!
    As for the unread books on my shelves…. I’d rather not go there XD There’s too many! The one I’m most excited for though is Queen of Darkness 🙂
    I hope you have a good holiday!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ahh.. I have seen the Red Queen series around a lot but I have never read it myself. It sounds good— I hope I will get to read it one day. I’m glad you loved War Storm and I hope you enjoy the new one just as much!! 🙂
      Yes coffee is wonderful!! I used to prefer hot coffee but then all of a sudden I love iced coffee more. Yes iced coffee can be a bit more easy to handle than hot coffee as you can drink it straight away. Haha I would love a Nespresso machine!!
      Haha, I know I always think I don’t have that many unread books on my shelves but then I start looking and oops!!! Ahh.. I hope you enjoy Queen of Darkness when you get around to it!! 🙂
      Thank you so much!! I had a really nice time!! I hope you have a great June!! ❤

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes I really enjoyed The Lies of Locke Lamora and Locke was a great main character. I think it was a really strong first book in a fantasy series!! I’m glad you liked it as well!! 🙂
      Yes I was left unsatisfied with the GoT finale which was a shame after waiting so long for it!! It had so much potential!!
      I hope you have a great June!! 🙂


  3. Thank you so much for sharing my post, Sophie! 💖

    I’m so glad you loved I am the Messenger! It’s one of my favourites ever, and I agree with everything you said. The characters are definitely not my favourite characters (though they’re definitely interesting), but I love the story. I could honestly read a 1000-page book on the same thing, and never get tired of it. And like you said, I love the ordinariness of it. I think I definitely need to reread it soon!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re very welcome– I really enjoyed reading your post!! ❤

      Yes I really enjoyed 'I am the Messenger' and it was such an interesting read!! I'm glad you agree about the characters and yes I did still find them interesting. But the story is what I loved about it!! I agree!! Yes the ordinariness of it is great and I think it makes me as a reader connect to the story all the more.
      Ahh.. I hope you love the reread!! I am going to have to buy the book as I listened to it on audiobook but I definitely need a copy!!
      Wishing you a great June!! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  4. YAY! So so happy that you loved The Lies of Locke Lamora so much because it’s a book that I predict could possibly be one of my favorites since it sounds awesome, and it contains elements of some of my favorite books! am said that you didn’t love The Boy Who Steals Houses as much because I’ve heard such good things about it and I’m really excited to read more books with autism rep :(( I loved reading all your thoughts on the books you read this month though! I love how you write a couple of sentences for each of the books in your wrap-up like me because I feel like I’m the only one who does that and it makes me feel so alone hihihi. I watched End Game too but only part of it so I didn’t have any thoughts, but I’m grateful for what those films did for this era. I’m so excited for the next batch of mcu films! I don’t really watch movies and tv shows so I sadly haven’t watch any of the stuff you mentioned, but I’m happy that some lived up to your expectations and sad that some didn’t!

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    1. Yes ‘The Lies of Locke Lamora’ was a really good book and had lots of good elements in it. I loved Locke the main character. I hope you love it when you read and it becomes a new favourite!! I’m excited to read the next books in the series! 🙂
      I did still enjoy The Boy Who Steals Houses and I think it was really good for autism rep and Avery the character who had autism was a great character and I loved reading about him. I think the other side of the story where the MC beginnings a romance was where it lacked for me. But I often read fantasy so maybe it is because contemporary romances aren’t my favourite. If you are interested in the book I would still read it as it did have many good aspects!! I hope you enjoy it if you do decide to read it!! 🙂
      You are are not alone!! haha– I liked to write a few sentences about the book because star ratings don’t get my full thoughts across. Sometimes I think I can write a bit too much though!! I’m glad I’m not the only one who does this too!! 🙂
      Yes I think the Marvel films did create a really good selection of films!! I’m excited for the new ones as well!!
      Thank you– yeah some finales aren’t for everyone but I hope others enjoyed the ones that I didn’t enjoy so much!!
      I hope you have a great June!! ❤

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes it was a really good book that I enjoyed. I would definitely recommend it!! 🙂
      Ahh.. I hope you enjoy the Big Bang— I was really happy with the ending. I think it was really satisfying and had plenty of laughs and fun references!!
      I hope you have a great June!! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Yay! It seems like May was a good reading month!
    I’m so glad you shared in depth thoughts on all the books, especially The Boy Who Steals Houses, which is a book I’ve been excited to read, but it’s always great to hear contrasting thoughts. Most of the books you read were long, so that’s impressive, yohoo!
    I have not watched Once Upon A Time in forever and I wasn’t even aware the show had its last episode only recently! I stopped watching around season three, I think, or which ever was the season with Elsa on it, hahah. I still have fond memories towards the show, because it was the first ever series I followed so thoroughly, and the premise really was amazing. It’s just a shame that the writing got lost after a couple seasons.
    I have never watched Game of Thrones, and to be honest, I’d not even be able to tell you what the show is about. But I know how much anticipation was around this finale and unfortunately, I don’t know anyone who enjoyed it. Hopefully, the ending in the books will be better? Have you read the books or are you interested in them at all?
    I think it’s so cute you’re so excited about the McDonald’s ice coffee, hahah. The only type of ice coffee I have is caramel frapuccino from Starbucks, but besides that, I don’t drink a lot of coffee overall. Do you have a favorite Starbucks order?
    I hope you’re enjoying your trip. Wishing you a great June! 😊

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes it was quite a good reading month for me!! *big yay*
      I’m glad that you like that I shared my thoughts on the books because sometimes I feel like I talk too much so thank you.
      I still hope you read The Boy Who Steals Houses as I did think it had some good aspects and I really liked the autism rep. I think it has 2 sides of the story and I enjoyed one more than the other. But overall it was a likeable read!! I’d be interested in your thoughts if you read it!! 🙂
      Yes some were quite long especially The Lies of Locke Lamora which took me a while to read!!
      Yes I was a bit late to watching the OUAT finale but I’m glad I’ve seen it. Yes I think Elsa was season 4 maybe!! I think it is a really interesting show and it was a really creative idea. But I didn’t love every story line really but it had interesting characters.
      There was a lot of anticipation around this GoT finale season and I know a lot who were unsatisfied which was a shame. I only started watching it because my sister did and I did get invested in the story haha. And I haven’t read the books but I hope the books will be better for all the fans who do. For some reason I don’t feel the urge to read the books but maybe years later I might feel like it and hopefully the last one will have been released by then.
      Haha I was excited about McDonalds coffee– it was very nice!! The caramel frapuccino does sound nice— I’m pretty boring with my starbucks order. I’ll either get a latte or the coffee frapuccino. I should really try some new drinks!!
      Thank you so much. I had a really nice time!! Thank you. I hope you have a great June as well!! ❤

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  6. I totally agree about Stars Above. As we discussed, the series is amazing and all of the characters, but I felt like this book was quite a bit of a letdown because it was just a bunch of little random stories that didn’t work overall. I liked the wedding one since it was something new, but even that had some shortfalls. I also agreed about Game of Thrones. I enjoyed the first few episodes, but it just got too messy at the end. Wonderful wrap-up, and hopefully you have a wonderful June! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes I’m glad you agree. I was slightly disappointed with Stars Above– I still love the original series though. It was random stories that I didn’t really feel I needed to know. I was excited about the wedding at the end and it did have it’s good points but I still thought it could have been better.
      Yes it was slightly disappointing with Game of Thrones– it wasn’t the ending I was hoping for.
      Thank you so much!! I hope you have a great June too!! ❤

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