April Wrap-Up | The One Where I Lie To You (?!?!)

Hey everyone!

Another month, another wrap-up!! So let’s get straight in…



I thought I would start with a little challenge for you in the Two Truths and a Lie book tag. I was tagged by Isa @ The Art of Being Isa. Thank you so much for tagging me. This was really fun!! And you should check out her lovely blog!!

How To Participate:
  1. Create two bookish truths and one bookish lie – but be sure to keep it a secret so your readers can guess!
  2. Reveal the lie in a spoiler at the bottom of your post (you can use this HTML code!)
  3. Tag 8 friends to play along.
  4. Link back to the original post (Kal @ Reader Voracious, another fabulous blog)
My 3 Facts:
  1. I once left a book behind when I was on holiday in Wales
  2. I’ve read a book series out of order
  3. I’ve ripped out a page from one of my book

NOW, guess which one is the lie!!!

And the lie is *dramatic drumroll please*


The lie is the first one ‘I once left a book behind when I was on holiday in Wales’. I would have never left a book– it is the first thing I make sure I have packed. But the other two are true!! Eeekk!!

Did you guess which one was the lie correctly?!?! Let me know in the comments!!

And if you want to do this tag, please do!! 🙂


The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid//⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐//A very hyped-up book but I really enjoyed it. The writing style and complex characters are amazing!! Would you believe I posted the review after I had finished reading it *shocked face* You can see my review here. Spoiler alert, I loved it!!

The Poppy War by R F Kuang//⭐⭐⭐⭐//My first ever buddy read with Becky @ Blogs of a Bookaholic which was so fun (thank you Becky)//This was an excellent book about war it captures the atrocities and the thoughts of the characters. It also covers a lot in the first book. And the main character was so determined to do what she set her mind to doing something. With the characters, you go through a journey with them and they definitely go to dark places. It was well written but it was a dense book with lots of information that at times made it harder to grasp the concept and timeline. But I did enjoy the read. But definitely check the trigger warnings before reading. Review coming soon (famous words by a book blogger).

Heroine Complex by Sarah Kuhn//⭐⭐⭐⭐//Ok I really enjoyed this book but I am aware it isn’t brilliant so realistically it probably would be a 3 star but I was in the mood for it as it is a fun, action-filled story. Also SUPERHEROES (superheroes are something I don’t think I love but then anything to do with them I love it). It was easy to read. It has humour, romance, action and a karaoke battle if you are ever looking for that. I will say more in my review coming soon.


Shazam!// I loved this movie so much, superheroes and humour go together so well. I loved it so much. I can’t wait to get the DVD so I can watch it many times. One of my favourite movies of the year I think.

Santa Clarita Diet// This show is sooooo good (but it just got cancelled *cried for eternity*). I love the humour and Sheila and Joel are the most supportive TV couple ever. It has a dark humour but in a light way. It’s so good. I am so upset that there won’t be another season. *still crying*

Sex Education// I finished this show and it is so good. It does follow some ‘typical’ tropes but it feels really fresh and it is addictive to watch. You want to see how everything plays out and watch the characters on their journeys.

Me Before You// This is the second time I have watched it and I liked it so much more the second time around. It is sad but I think they have a good relationship and Lou is very likeable and endearing.


book blog

My blog had a mini redesign. You might have noticed. I’ve got a new logo and some graphics (all made on Canva by me) in my posts (this one for example). I felt like I wanted to freshen up my blog and I might play around a bit more to see what I like but I am happy with it at the minute!! I have a colour theme going on which is fun!! 


Blog Hopping

Tell me something about your month. What was your favourite song of the month? What was your favourite book? Have you watched Endgame? What Easter Egg did you get?
What are you excited about next month?

17 thoughts on “April Wrap-Up | The One Where I Lie To You (?!?!)

  1. Looks like you read some great books this month! Evelyn Hugo is one of my all time favourites, I’m so glad you loved it too!

    I’m seeing Endgame tomorrow, eek! I can’t believe I’ve managed to avoid spoilers for this long!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes I have– Evelyn Hugo was such a good book!! I’m glad you liked it too!!

      I know I was surprised I avoided spoilers too, the internet was mostly good 😂 — I saw it yesterday!! I hope you enjoyed it!! 😊


  2. AH! ❤️💜 This is absolutely so sweet of you to mention me in your blog hopping section – it made me smile so big! And I’m so super stoked to hear all of your thoughts on Daisy Jones when you get to it!

    And I 100% agree with you about Me Before You. No matter how many times I watch that movie, it always gets to me!

    This was a lovely wrap up, and I’m happy to hear that your April went well!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m glad it made you smile– it was a really good review 💛 yes I am really excited to read it!! Hopefully I will get it next month!! 😊
      Yes it is done very well so that the emotion is always right there!!
      Thank you!! 💛 I hope you have a great May!!!


  3. I’m so happy you liked Evelyn Hugo, I can’t wait to read it…. I’m also very very nervous to finally get to it ahha 🙂
    Thank you so, so much for sharing my post, so happy you enjoyed it! ❤ ❤ I hope you will have a beautiful May, Sophie ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes it was very well written. I hope you enjoy it and the hype does make you quite nervous to read it but I think it is deserving of the hype!! 😊
      You’re welcome– it was a fabulous post!! 💛 thank you, I hope you have a great May too!! 💛

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Sophie, I’ve talked about this before: but I’M SO IN LOVE WITH YOUR NEW DESIGN. WAHHHH SO PRETTY! 😍 It’s really inspiring me to revamp my own blog too; but I’m nOT BRAVE ENOUGH. I feel like if I change my design now, then it would look weird compared to my old posts, and so I’d have to go through old posts and change them too? It’s a lot to think about, but hopefully this month I’ll have time to brainstorm some ideas and change my design too. I think it’s amazing you did all of it on Canva; it looks SO GOOD!
    And also, thank you so much for giving me a shoutout! I’m happy you enjoy my Trip To My Homecountry series; I’m already excited for the upcoming May post!
    I didn’t get the lie right. I am completely shocked you’ve ripped the page out of a book. I’ve never considered myself to be very careful with my books, but yet, ripping out a page is A LOT. I did vote on that as a lie, and I’m still surprised it was actually the first one.
    Unfortunately, there was no Easter egg for me, but I did get candy & chocolate from my grandma! My parents haven’t bought me anything for Easter since I was a kid, but it is understandable, since chocolate Easter eggs are extremely expensive where I live and I do not even like them that much. What about you? Did you get any chocolate this month?
    I’m glad you had a great reading month and you enjoyed all the books you picked up! Hopefully, May will be filled with amazing titles too. 💛

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aww… Thank you so much Lais!! 💛 I am liking the refresh on my blog!! Aww.. you should do it– I understand it is a lot to think about as I get nervous around change but if you want to do it you should. And you can keep you old posts how they are and you can always look back to see how your blog has developed. But it’s up to you of course!! 😊 I hope you find time to brainstorm– it’s exciting to think of a new design. Yes Canva was so useful!! Thank you again 💛
      Yes it is a really great series– I’m excited for your May post!!
      Haha it was only one page because I wrote on it and was giving it to someone and the page was a title page. But I wouldn’t rip a page out of my books now 😂
      Aww.. it’s a shame Easter eggs are expensive but it is nice that you chocolate and candy from your grandma! I did get some chocolate from my parents which was lovely– I got a Cadbury Easter egg!! 😊
      Thank you!! 💛 I hope you have a good reading month in May too!!

      Liked by 1 person

  5. I didn’t get the lie right at all!! I was thinking two or three, but it was one. 😂
    Thank you for the shoutouts! I’m glad you enjoyed the bookstagram post and also the buddy read. It was so nice to get someone else’s thoughts and have moral support with The Poppy War because it left me feeling confused at points!
    LOVE Me Before You, it’s such a sweet film. 🙂 I’ve been thinking about giving Sex Education a go so it’s good to hear you enjoyed it!
    Have a lovely May! 💕

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha yes 2 and 3 are ones that I did when I was younger but they are not the best bookish things to have done !! Though I’m glad I have never left a book behind on holiday I would feel so bad!! 😂
      Yes it was a great post– I loved reading it!! 😊 yes it was a really good book to buddy read with as it is a heavy book!!
      Yes it is a lovely film– I feel like I could already watch it again even though it had only been a week or two since I last watched it!! 😂
      Yes I recommend it– I really enjoyed it!! Had some great characters and it is comical!!
      Thank you– I hope you have a fantastic May as well!! 💕


  6. I’m kinda really really bummed that they cancelled Santa Clarita Diet. I loved the concept of a zombie comedy show! The characters were great, the humour was on-point and their relationship was so healthy, endearing, realistic and relatable at the same time. I’m for sure going to miss that show. PS: I need to read Evelyn Hugo. There are so so many people that loved this book and it sounds amazing. c:

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Me too I really enjoyed the show!! It was a unique idea– the humour was brilliant and you’re right the relationships were really healthy which I loved seeing. And the way the last season ended as well– I need more 😭 I’m going to miss it too!!
      Yes you should read Evelyn Hugo– it is really good and the writing style is great!! I hope you enjoy it if you pick it up!! 😊


  7. I love that you started your monthly recap with a tag, and I totally guessed wrong. I have gone on long trips before where I brought only one print book that I would trade into “take a book/leave a book” libraries in hostels, which was a lot of fun! Although I still wish that I kept the copy of 100 Years of Solitude that I read early on in that trip.

    Looks like you had a good reading month, and I hope you have a fantastic May – happy reading!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It was a really fun tag– I loved thinking of what to say so thank you for creating it!! Haha– not many have guessed right!! That sounds so cool that you could trade books and leave a story behind. It is also great for experiencing new books!! Aw.. that’s a shame that you wish you kept one– maybe you will have to buy it again!! 🙂
      I did read some great books this month!! Thank you– Happy reading to you too!! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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