25 Pearls of Wisdom for 25 Years Of Existence

Greetings people younger or older than 25,

✒️ 25 Things I’ve Learned In 25 Years: Beth’s Version

✧˖°. song of the day ˖°.✧

25 Life Lessons From Yours Truly…

On a personal scale, if people really want something, they will make time for it. Remember this when looking at someone’s (and even your own) actions.

It will always be easy to hate your appearance, no matter the positive energy you throw at yourself. It is easier to hate yourself. Just know your mind is being cruel and you can’t always trust it.

It’s okay to like different things from the people you love.

Footwear is not to be played with. When possible, prioritise comfort and care.

Silence is made to be defeated. At worst, it’s dangerous. At best, it’s wasteful.

You will constantly need to reevaluate what you want. It is exhausting. Do it anyway.

When someone is excited or interested in a topic, never diminish it. Please. Please. If you see someone’s joy fading because of what someone else said, lift them up. Everyone’s passions deserve to be heard and celebrated

Scissors are actually very good for cutting up your pizza.

Don’t dwell on hate, it is boring and far too easy. But if you must, at least teach yourself how to think first.

When trying to complete something, break it down into small steps until you feel you can handle it. There is no step too small.

Despite popular belief, failure and mistakes shouldn’t be feared. Perfection is the most overrated thing. I’ve forgotten about all the perfect things in my life as easily as the imperfect ones.

Time is expensive. Spend it wisely.

Don’t take life seriously. Or life will just take from you.

A cliche, but try to be better than who you were yesterday. It is the only comparison that matters (but sometimes it doesn’t).

Watch your thoughts, they become your words.

Some days the fear wins. At the very least, it’s survivable.

Always wear suncream. The song has an excellent point.

Don’t romanticise pain.

Never presume someone knows how you feel.

As Beth previously said, wear comfortable underwear, FFS.

There is power in quiet days.

It’s okay if it takes a little longer than you wanted.

Create. Please, please, please create. Just never do it with the intent of being liked.

Zuko and Mai are the superior pairing in Avatar: The Last Airbender. It’s a fact!

Hurry up and love yourself. No one will do it better and no one will benefit more.

What are some of your pearls of wisdom?

30 thoughts on “25 Pearls of Wisdom for 25 Years Of Existence

  1. Happy Belated Birthday 🎂 I hope you had a wonderful time whatever you did for it. Also wheres your trip to? Sounds intriguing, especially informing the other person by letter.

    I’m definitely with you on the footwear thing. I could never wear the sort of shoes where people come home hobbling in them. Although I kind of disagree about silence. I like the quiet for reading 😂

    Time is definitely precious and I also think the flip side of the ‘never presume’ point is true too – you also shouldn’t assume that you know how someone else feels.

    I really need to work on some of these points. Particularly the final one and also being OK with things taking longer than expected. At the moment I always feel bad when that happens.

    I love your final note too; I’d certainly send help if I could ❤️❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much Charlotte ❤️ I had a lovely day, we got a roast as my birthday fell on a Sunday 😁
      Oh, it was a while ago now when I booked Marina tickets at Manchester and spent the weekend there. I just brought the tickets on a whim, but I’m glad I did in the end.

      Footwear is important! I love heels/boots, but you’ve got to buy the comfortable ones! I love trainers too, but a massive no for flat shoes for me!
      haha true, quietly reading is wonderful! But I think prioritising being actively together instead of existing near each other is important. I’m an introvert so I get need to re-energise too, but I think it can be too easy to slip into comfortable silences most of the time, losing the excitement of learning more details about the other person.

      Indeed! Presumptions are often jumping to conclusions and you miss out a lot of details or just get the wrong idea. Open conversations help everyone because you never really know the full story of what is going on in someone else’s head, it is why I try to remember it is important to be open about my own, even if I find it quite daunting.

      I hope you are able to work on the last point. Loving yourself isn’t easy but you are 100% worth your love 💗
      It is a challenge to not feel guilty when things aren’t going at the rate you would like, but every bit of progress is worthwhile and life isn’t a race, after all! You got to be kind to yourself!

      Thank you so much Charlotte 🥰

      Liked by 1 person

      1. That sounds lovely, I’m glad you had a good time.
        Oh right, well that’s certainly not an event that the other person could complain about. Seeing Marina live would be amazing 😍

        I can do smaller heels but not massive ones 😂 😲 so no flat sandals? I swear mine are so comfy and look lovely. Although they didn’t sell them like usual last year 😪

        That’s true, if people are together they should talk more. And spend less time on phones tbh too. They seem to be the ultimate isolator for time together.

        So true. It can lead to so much miscommunication and mistakes. It can make for some rather awkward moments too.

        Thank you 💗💗
        True. Plus if something takes longer it probably needed that extra time. Rushing things generally leads to mistakes.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Thank youuu 🥰 Thankfully, Marina was a hit! Love her! Album 6 should be coming this year judging from her Instagram (which has since been deleted) 🎊

          No sadly not, I have very flat feet and am always on my tip-toe if not in shoes so I need some support! It is a shame they are no longer selling those shoes, maybe this year?!?!

          Phones are too easily used instead of communicating, I agree!

          It definitely can!

          Absolutely, you don’t want to rush things at all! It will happen in its own time!

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Ooh really? That’s exciting!! I’ve been so inactive on there that I hadn’t even noticed 🙈

            That must be a pain. I can’t imagine being on tip toes all the time. And hopefully 🤞 they used to do different colours every year so I’d love the chance to get more.


            I shall try to remember that in the next few weeks as I try and start doing blog catch up again 😂

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            1. Yay, I always like to check on Marina 😁

              Haha it is just a habit from childhood! Oohh different colours is fun, I love that 😍

              Aw.. Don’t overwhelm yourself 🥰, it is a lot (people love talking about books 😂). Just do whatever you feel happy with!

              Liked by 1 person

              1. I can definitely see why.

                I’ll admit I get random spells when I do it but only ever for a few minutes 😂

                I shall try and make sure I do that 😅 and books are the best so why wouldn’t they 🤷‍♀️

                Liked by 1 person

    1. haha it was my most controversial point 🤣 and I get it because Zuko arguably had chemistry with most characters, especially Katara! Haha yes, Mai was the one for me, I think open support and shared interests can make the healthiest relationships! 😁
      Thank you so much Tasya 🥰

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  2. Happy belated birthday, Sophie! 💙 I hope you had an amazing time celebrating and got to take some of your own wisdom to heart! I definitely need to get better at the making time for what I really want and spending that time seriously thing, too, so I’ll let you know when I’ve figured that out 😂

    Also, I was all ready to defend silences and argue that quiet time is important, too, but then you mentioned Point #21, so I guess it’s okay 😂 I suppose you’ve just got to differentiate between the good silences – like taking time to yourself or just quietly sitting with someone in perfect harmony – and the bad silences – like when people look away and don’t say anything when injustices are being done…

    Apart from that and the cutting oizza with scissors thing – which I’ve never tried because I have an excellent pizza slicer 🍕 – we agree on pretty much everything, though!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much Naemi! 🥰 I had a lovely day!
      It can be hard to make the most out of your time, from money to busyness to tiredness. But I hope you are able to go after every thing you want. Yes, please let me know when you’ve figured it out! 😁

      Haha yes the silence point is rather simplified for the sake of the post, but I’ve grown to realise that speaking up is important for wider society and on a personal level. I’m (very) introverted so I still crave those quiet moments but I genuinely believe comfortable silences are overrated now. I romanticised the ease of them for a while, but it is important to actively be together instead of existing together. From questions I wish I could ask my late grandparents, my parents’ divorce and maybe listening to “slipping through my fingers” by abba too many times, I want to take advantage of the moments together over ease. It is probably a view born from me loving silences too much.
      Everything is about balance though and the perfect balance is different for everyone, but yes there definitely can be good silences.

      It was no hate to pizza slicers I promise 😂, but you must have a good size chopping board, because I like big pizzas (this will not be changing in the foreseeable future) and I try to only mark my baking tray or kitchen surface by mistake.

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      1. Hmm, interesting! I find that the people I’m able to experience things together with most actively are also the ones I’m comfortable with just sitting in silence for a while… For me, being able to reach that “silent” state means I need to be comfortable enough with a person to know that things won’t be awkward if we just enjoy that moment together without needing to comment on everything – like when walking peacefully through nature or listening to music together in the car and just getting lost in it. I don’t think the silences and the active togetherness are mutually exclusive at all – but you’re right that balance is probably the key. Just being silent with a person and never talking to them would definitely be really weird and uncomfortable 😅😂

        And haha, I have a HUMONGOUS chopping board – I love dumping loads of different vegetables into one meal and hate when I need more than one board to prepare them, so that was an investment once I moved out of my parents’ place – so I guess that explains why I’m fine with pizza slicers 😁

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        1. I definitely get that and I do experience it as well, I just found I was doing it too much. I love sharing music together (and you better not interrupt my epic song), but just the little reminder to ask what they think to different parts of the songs because I can be terrible at communicating 😅 balance is key! It would be strange to never talk 🤣

          Ahh.. That chopping sounds like a dream! What a good purchase 😆

          Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank youu Cas 💞 haha, its too true though 😂
      I’m glad you liked these points and hopefully gained something from reading this post! 24 was my most controversial point 😂 other opinions are definitely valid, but I love the support and matched energies from Zuko & Mai ❤️‍🔥

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  3. Happy birthday, I hope you had a good time!! 🥳🥰 I loved reading about your life lessons! I definitely feel number Seven, it always makes me so sad when someone is made to feel embarrassed about sharing their joy and passions 😔

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  4. the 6th, 23rd and 25th points 🙏

    i turned 25 recently and i should make a post or journal about the most important things ive learnt, i don’t think ii sat down and actually thought about it. i love this post, especially how you emphasised comfortable footwear and underwear among deeper nuggets of wisdom. belated happy birthday!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m glad you liked those points 🥰✨
      Oohh snap 🙌🏻 It was enjoyable to think about the best life lessons I’ve learnt over the years so I’d love to see a post! Thank you so much, the footwear one is very important 😁
      Thank you ❤️


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