Blogging Tips From A Now 2 Year Old Blogger (aka I pretend to know what I am doing for a change)

Hey everyone!!

As part of my 2-year blogiversary I am going to share some tips and tricks that I have learnt over the years to share my wisdom and try to hide how much I still don’t know.

Obviously, I am not an expert and there are thousands of ways to succeed and improve your blog so this is not a list of things you have to do but just some suggestions on how to run a blog (or something like that).


First things first (I’m a realistic) read these posts, they are GREAT:




Deep down all humans are lazy so you want to make it easy for your readers or potential readers which means breaking up your text.

Large paragraphs are daunting but you can write the same amount using bullet points or smaller paragraphs. People are much more likely to read it. If you remember at school when you got given a textbook it would be a drag to sift through the information but then on a PowerPoint on the same topic it covered all the same things but it was set out to be more engaging and really we were conned into thinking it was less. So the same logic applies to your blog.

Also, I like to ‘justify’ my paragraphs so all the sentences end at the same point (like in books, the real reason why I do it) but I think it looks professional and much neater.



Headers are really important for structure and are good for breaking up the text again. You should definitely use them and make them bold so they stand out or use capitals or large header fonts. You’ve got to shout out what you are writing about.



Your post is as bright as you choose it to be. Colour always entices people, we like pretty things (like aesthetically pleasing cafes and cute towns). Sometimes we can be really shallow. So colour is great in a post to liven it up and it breaks the screen up for the readers. Plus it makes them want to come back to your fabulous blog.

Try to have a colour theme for your blog (e.g. reds and purples, blues, pinks and greens) as it helps people to remember you and really brings your blog together. Consistency is key when building a brand.

Ways To Add Colour:
  • Pictures: If you don’t like taking photos or don’t think you take good enough photos, that’s okay. There are so many alternatives.
  • Photo Collage/Mood-board and Tiffany @ Read by Tiffany did a great post telling you how to create them whilst making sure you don’t break any copyright laws and how to make them aesthetic.
  • Gifs (great way to add humour and easy to break up the writing. Plus there are so many you can always find a relevant one)
  • Emoji’s
  • Graphics: make some, buy some, use Canva to make some (Canva is SO great). Graphics are great for featured images as an alternative to pictures and you can play around with apps like Canva and discover your style. It is easier than I thought it would be and doesn’t take too long either.
  • As a book blogger, I use book cover pictures from Goodreads.
  • Page dividers: Again I use Canva to make mine. Depending on your colour theme and design you can use different things but they are so useful and make such a difference to the post to break it up and add colour.
  • Coloured headers
  • Make key sentences bold and a different colour— this is great for people who are just flicking through the post as they can read the key points and it is visually appealing.





Long posts vs. Short posts. Which is better?? Answer: One isn’t better than the other. What I do is write everything I want to write in the shortest way possible.

So what I mean is I will write every thought I had then go through and think can I say it in less. This makes sure I don’t repeat myself too. There is nothing bad about a long post as long as it doesn’t drag. Always say what you want to say, just edit it and structure it to make it the best possible and easily accessible to everyone.



This is quite a hard topic and you might have heard it thrown around like ‘have a good blogging voice, make it unique and it will draw all the readers in like magic’ but from my experience, it isn’t quite how it works. A good blogging voice, what’s that?!?! Well, I normally have a few voices that immediately jump to my mind and should they inspire your voice. In a way perhaps but ultimately I think not because it’s not so much about having a checklist on what makes a good blogging voice but having your own blogging voice. The best advice in this area is to be yourself and let it show through your writing. With me, confidence normally comes through time and experience so you get to cultivate your own blogging voice over time but you must always remember that your voice is more than good enough.




Blog hopping is where you go on to other blogs and interact with bloggers. I think it is a great way to get to know people and it does help to get your blog out there. Something I have learnt through blogging is that statistics aren’t the biggest thing with a blog but they can be important to you personally as they can indicate growth, popular content and goals. But at the end of the day, numbers can’t comfort you in the same way as genuine connection and friendship so I like to meet new bloggers and I genuinely like reading their content I find blog hopping to be a very rewarding activity and it is the primary way that I will get views. I think the best advice with this is to be genuine and write thoughtful comments as the blogger will always appreciate it. Also, don’t be afraid to interact if you like something tell them it will probably make their day.  It does help with statistics a lot I find but you get so much more from it as well.



Okay, marketing seems WAY too fancy of a term for where you are tweeting in the hope that it is funny (or something) but when you have a blog, your social media presence is technically marketing as you are promoting your brand and I’ve heard people say you are supposed to spend 50% creating and 50% promoting. I will say that my social media presence is….. non-existent. Well, it’s like a ghost, you can’t see it but it is there. I haven’t been using any social media recently (and low-key enjoying it) and I’ve never really put that much effort into it as it can be tiring and addictive. But it is helpful for growing your blog and there are certain tips for it (apparently they are secrets only known to some though). I’m joking, I know the basics like on Instagram and Twitter where being consistently active and interacting is key. Then on Pinterest rotate your pins and create new ones, join group boards etc. There are also groups across some social media where you help each other out which you can join as well. And Goodreads…. well I don’t know… black magic??

But basically, there are things you can do and plenty of people with a lot more tips than me so research it if you want. But for me, I don’t feel the need to as I blog for enjoyment and like I said I am enjoying not being on social media so it is important to know when to not use media for your well-being as much as it can be helpful.


Four Golden Pieces of Advice:

  1. Be you
  2. Be happy
  3. Be active
  4. Be consistent
Okay so maybe they aren’t golden but I still think they’re important, especially the top two.


And that’s a wrap!! I used to think I couldn’t do all this that I needed a special skill set and that I had never been professional enough but I could. Maybe it isn’t perfect but I got better and I was only able to do that by starting and learning.

Honestly, I think I’ve grown so much with blog design and writing over time. The best thing to do is to keep doing it and trying different things. Obviously reading advice posts has helped me but there is never one path to growth, you do it in your own time and in your own way.


How long have you been blogging? What is the best advice you’ve heard? What advice do you have for me?
What is your favourite part of blogging? How much time do you spend promoting your work?

35 thoughts on “Blogging Tips From A Now 2 Year Old Blogger (aka I pretend to know what I am doing for a change)

  1. I think this is such a fantastic blogging advice post! I like to use Twitter because sometimes I’m too busy (or lazy haha) to write blog posts and then instead it’s easier to chat with others. Maybe I might try taking a break from social media so I can instead write more blog posts!

    I think there’re many pieces of blogging advice out there, but I think that the golden rules are like the basis of it. Especially the be yourself & be happy bit!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much 💕😭 Twitter is so addictive, I remember last year when I was writing my book, I seemed to be on it so much 😂 But chatting with others is a good way to get involved with community still and Twitter can be a really good platform for that but I have been enjoying my time away from it slightly (and being more productive else where 😉)

      Yes I think being yourself and enjoying is such an important part that I hope no one forgets that!!
      Thank you for your lovely comment!! 💕

      Liked by 1 person

  2. This is some great advice! I’ve been blogging now for four years, and whilst I’ve learnt so many things, a lot of the time I still just feel like I’m making it up as I go along.
    The marketing in particular is something I struggle with! Whilst I have all sorts of social media accounts my presence on there at the moment is virtually non-existent too. I’m just so awkward, I can never think of interesting things to say on there!
    Great post! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you!! Yes I feel like I am just making it up and stumbling as I go even when you’ve doing it for a while. There are some many different parts to it that it feels like you can never know everything 😂
      Yes marketing is probably my weakest bit– I know I struggle to think of things to say and I find you can spend hours on there and not get much back. It’s tricky, I’m glad I’m not the only one who thinks so. 😊
      Thank you so much 💛


  3. I’m glad to see another blogger who prefers justified text. 🙂 I was starting to reconsider using it, because most bloggers don’t seem to like it, but like you, I think it has a very neat and organized look to it. Fully agree about Canva – it’s so easy and actually fun to use, I love that site. I agree about stats – it’s great to have good stats, but it’s even better to form friendships, or simply have meaningful conversations with other bloggers.

    I’ve been blogging since 2014, but we moved our blog to wordpress earlier this year, because it seemed like a better platform (and it’s been better so far!) My favorite part of blogging would be writing posts and coming up with post ideas. We’ve also done “events” for Halloween and Christmas on our old blog, and invited our blogger friends to contribute something, which was also fun. I also really enjoy blog hopping!? I know a lot of bloggers look at it as a chore, but 50% of the reason I blog is to visit others and read their content, haha.

    Great post!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yay me too!! I think justified text does look so much neater so I love to use it but I hardly see anyone use it. 😂
      Yes Canva is great and I enjoy making graphics on there so that’s a bonus!! 😊
      Exactly, connection and thoughtful conversations are so much more valuable to me and something you will remember more than how your stats grew I think 😊

      I’ve only ever been on wordpress but I think it is a great platform as it is easy to use and to talk to people!! 😊 yes I agree, there is something so satisfying about writing a post you are excited for. Aw.. the seasonal events sound wonderful and a great way for interact with your friends!! 😊
      Yes I think blog hopping is great, sometimes it can be time consuming but I really like it as you come across so many great posts and it makes you think about lots of different things 😊
      Thank you so much 💕 and thank you for your lovely comment as well 💛

      Liked by 1 person

  4. SUCH A FANTASTIC POST, SOPHIEEEE!!! 😍😍😍 I agree with EVERY SINGLE POINT MADE HERE!! Especially with breaking up paragraphs! I MEAN, LONG MONOTONOUS ONES JUST DONT HOLD MY ATTENTION! Or anyone’s for that matter! It’s better to break them, use bolds/italics/different sizes and such! So that people know which points to REALLY TAKE AWAY because LETS BE HONEST, ALL OF US SKIM, don’t we!??🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    LOVED THIS POST, Sophie! Sooo detailed and well structured!! AHHHHH!! I AM IN LOOVEEE!! 🤣🤣😍😍😍❤️❤️❤️👻👻😘😘💕💕😚☔️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. THANK YOU, you are too kind to me!! ❤ I'm glad you agree about my points!!
      Yes breaking up paragraphs is probably something I need to get better out because I get ramble on and on (haha 😉 )but breaking them up makes such a difference and making things bold. Yes skimming does occur especially if something is happening in the background, haha!!

      Thank you again!! I'm so happy to hear that *crying emoji*!! ❤ ❤

      Liked by 1 person

      1. YESSSSS!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Sometimes I read posts while watching something and I SKIM THE FUCK OUT OF IT! 🤣🤣🤣🤣


        Liked by 1 person

  5. This is such a fantastic post, Sophie! I’m sorry I didn’t see it earlier!
    This is all super helpful since I am currently trying to finish up my wordpress site! So a huge thank you!
    OML yes, I had a teacher who gave us the entire syllabus in a power point and I swear it saved my life that year.
    – Emma 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yay, thank you so much!! I’m so glad you liked it!! And it’s completely fine, don’t apologise, I’m always late at visiting posts lately and thank you for always stopping by!!
      I’m glad this could be helpful to you (and yay I’m excited for your wordpress site)!! ❤
      Yes powerpoints are definitely the best way to get syllabuses– it makes such a difference!! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  6. There’s some really fantastic advice here (: and I definitely agree that breaking text up helps makes a blog post seem more accessible somehow. Which is kind of odd when most of us are readers 😅 Also colour is wonderful to add to posts. I had to look up how to use more than one of them though. And blog hopping can be wonderful. Everytime that you do it you find new fantastic content to read and generally end up with a bigger TBR 😅 also Happy 2 Years Blogging!! Your blog is amazing and I love it and all of your wonderful posts ❤️❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yay thank you, I’m glad this is good advice– I’ve never really done advice posts before so I was slightly nervous, ahah!!
      I think breaking up the text can make a really big difference but you are right about most of us being readers, I think there is something enticing about short paragraphs and you just read it faster.
      I think adding colour makes it look much prettier but I didn’t do it at the start either.
      I agree blog hopping can be great, there is so much amazing content out there and I always add lots of books to my TBR too, I am constantly like I need to read that!!
      Thank you SO much!! That means a lot and I can’t thank you enough!! ❤ ❤

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Aww wells it’s wonderful ❤️❤️
        Yeah it does make it easier and quicker to read. It seperates the different points better too.
        Yes I’ve read a lot of fantastic posts since joining wordpress. And I honestly don’t know how many books I’ve added to my TBR. Probably too many but oh well 😅

        Liked by 1 person

  7. Ah what a wonderful post, I love all of your advice so much. I agree that layout, paragraphs, breaking up text and headers and everything, just really helps with the reading experience overall and… well, it’s prettier, too, haha 🙂 I always find myself more drawn to reading a blog post in its entirety and to comment on them when they’re just well put together as a whole, makes it way easier on the eye and just makes me happy too haha 🙂
    Your golden advice is wonderful. We all should be happy doing what we’re doing, that’s the most important thing x

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, I’m glad you love this advice I was trying to think of things that help me improve my blog!!
      It is weird how much effect layout can have on a reader but it makes it more appealing to them and definitely looks prettier. I enjoy it as well, making things look as pretty as possible haha!!
      I agree I think I prefer reading blogs that have a good layout and you will remember it has a good set up and be more excited to return I find. 🙂
      I think being happy is the most important thing and something everyone should remember for everything really!!
      Thank you for your lovely comment Marie!! ❤

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Exactly! When a blog made a reading experience fun and good, somehow I remember it easier and always have a great time going back to it and devouring all the posts there 🙂
        You’re so welcome! ❤

        Liked by 1 person

  8. Love this post so, so much!! And I know this is late, but HAPPY BLOGIVERSARY. You are such a queen for putting out content this long. You are such a light in the blogging community—never forget that ❤
    I totally agree with all of your advice! Breaking up posts is super super important to me. But I think blog aesthetic and blogging voice are what can make or break a blogger! I don’t know if it’s just the superficial person jumping out in me, but if I site looks, well, ugly, I’m definitely not gonna give its content the time of day. Ahhh, I’m very vain okay!! But I think that your blog looks amazing, and I love love love how you incorporate pink into it!
    I know that being yourself is the key to a good blogging voice, but Idk why I can’t apply that advice to my own blog!! I always tell that to people who are struggling with their voice, because everyone is amazing as long as they are themselves, but IDK WHY I CAN’T ACCEPT THAT AND THINK MY BLOGGING VOICE ISN’T GOOD ENOUGH. Ugh ok, short rant over, but ahhh, I also agree that gifs are such a good way to liven up posts! Some bloggers use them so so well *cough* Xandra *cough* and I aspire to be on their level!
    And blog hopping is such a good way to build an audience! Seriously, I don’t really know how to grow your blog without doing it 😂 When you start, it’s hard to find an audience, so blog hopping is such a good way to do that. Honestly, I get annoyed when people just comment ‘great post’ though, because I just get the feeling that they.. didn’t even read my post and just want me to check out my blog? Honestly, it just seems pretty rude to me, and it’s pretty easy to tell when people do that
    Also, thank you so much for mentioning my posts 😭

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much and THANK YOU SO MUCH again!!! ❤❤ aww.. I mean the first year was a bit hit and miss with content but this year had been so fun!! And CAITLIN THANK YOU, you are too sweet and are going to make me cry 😭😭 thank you, you’ve made my day!! 💕

      Yay I’m glad you agree with my advice!!
      I do think breaking up text can have a massive impact on the readers and probably something I can improve on 😂
      I do think blog aesthetic can be important as it is what people first see and make an impression on. I know what you mean as I do feel harsh saying it but design is so important, if it doesn’t look like something I will like, I will be tempted to turn away before reading anything!! So I understand for sure!! 😊 Thank you so much 😭 (you are making me cry again), I didn’t really consider myself a pink person but then I went full blown pink so here we are 😂😂

      Yes being youself is really the best advice but it is hard advice and something I’m like “I don’t know who that is” or “it doesn’t feel good enough” but you just need to remind yourself that is and here is your reminder for today CAITLIN YOUR BLOGGING VOICE IS AMAZING AND I LOVE YOUR CONTENT. IT IS MORE THAN GOOD ENOUGH 💛💛

      I know gifs are so wonderful!! And some people are amazing at using them, haha me too 😂
      No I do think you have to blog hop, it is the only way I’ve met people really so I fully recommend doing it!! I know what you mean it can be hard to tell who are genuine or not and you can’t exactly build a connection through “great post” comments either. It can be inconsiderate when they just want you to read their work and not acknowledge anything that you have done and like you said it is easy to spot. (Also how dare they not read your posts, honestly they are missing out)
      Of course, it was a wonderful post!! 💛

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  9. Hello Sophie!!
    Happy (belated) 2 year blogiversary!! Blogging is a big commitment so 2 years is an accomplishment! I definitely enjoyed reading these blogging tips and agree with all of them. In terms of blog post length, I used to limit myself to 500 to 1000 words, but I found later that longer posts don’t do poorly either. You are right that it is about being as concise as possible, even if the post ends up being longer (or shorter) than usual.
    When I started out as a blogger, I had a few posts where I wrote big chunks of text without pictures or GIFs to break things up. Using shorter paragraphs and highlighting phrases and adding colour helped a lot!!
    Great post 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello Sophie!!
      Thank you so much!! 💛💛
      It is a much bigger commitment than I ever could have imagined so it does feel nice to have reached 2 years!!
      Thank you and I’m glad you could agree with them!! 😊

      Oh that’s interesting as I’m curious how people handle blog length as I feel like mine can be too long sometimes but I’ve noticed that length doesn’t affect statistics that much too. As long as it isn’t boring and you format the best you can it’s fine. I find having a variety of length would be best. 😊

      Yes same that is how I started with big blocky paragraphs and then I’ve slowly got better. Gifs and highlighting phrases can be so useful!!
      Thank you so much!! 💕

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