The Seven Deadly Sins Book Tag ❤️🐍

The Nook large header, navy and cream checker-print in wavy lines. The Nook is typed out with a letter in each box.






❤️ LUST ❤️

🐍 ENVY 🐍

What is your favourite sin?

10 thoughts on “The Seven Deadly Sins Book Tag ❤️🐍

  1. Ooh yay I hope you enjoy having a Kindle. There’s definitely something special about holding an actual book in your hands but they’re so transportable and you get such swift access to books.

    I don’t know if I’ve heard of the Chris Riddell books but the cover style looks familiar 🤔 I don’t know if it’s reminding me of Terry Patchett (which I’ve also never read) or making me think of a world book day book from years ago.

    I have Verity on my Kindle and should really check it out sometime. I’ve seen mixed things about the author though and that particular quote isn’t exactly promising 😂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, Kindles are so handy! ☺️
      Completely see what you mean with the Terry Pratchett vibe! 😆 Chris Riddell is a cool dude.
      I hope you enjoy Verity if you give it a go! 😁 Tehe I know right 😂
      Thanks for reading Charlotte! ☺️

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  2. Ooh, this is such a fun tag! 🤗 I can’t believe I’ve never seen it around before; I must be living under a rock 😂

    Anyway, I totally see where you’re coming from with Colleen Hoover, Beth! I also flew through Verity and loved how it messed with my head, but everything I’ve heard about her other books – combined with the fact that I’m not a huge romance reader in general, has me steering well clear! 😬

    As for my favorite sins (in the context of this tag, at least), those have got to go to sloth and pride 😂 I just love hearing I’m not alone in my laziness (I’m particularly bad where books in foreign languages are concerned 🙈) or the need to sometimes have something pretentious in my pocket when I encounter infuriating literature snobs!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It is a great tag! 😈
      Yeah totally with you when it comes to CoHo 😂
      Great choices for fave book sins – high five on the laziness 😂 books in other languages is a whole other league
      Haha love it! 😆
      Thanks for reading ☺️

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  3. I LOVE the descriptions you gave for characters that attract you. I really appreciate women (both in books and IRL) who are strong and self-aware, but also ask for help when they need it OR when they just want it. 🙆‍♀️ And emotionally intelligent men… those are hard to come by these days. 😂

    Also, yay for the new Kindle! I had one but the batteries died and I’m too lazy to get it fixed — I read on my phone now. I know it’s HORRIBLE for my eyes, but it’s more convenient since I lug it around with me everywhere anyway. 😂

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    1. Ahaha thank you! Absolutely- there’s power in asking for help when needed or wanted 👏🏼 and emotionally intelligent men are precious gems 😂
      Sad about your kindle but at least you can make it work with your phone – convenience is key 😎✌🏼
      Thanks for reading! 😊


  4. Yay for joining the Kindle club! I love mine, and you really can save so much money on books (I’m always getting them for 99p in the sales!) I daren’t even work out what my most expensive book is since I buy special editions and they get pricey… 😬

    I’ve heard so many mixed things about CoHo I haven’t even tried one of her books – I feel like maybe I’m better off not knowing 😂 I think The Iliad is probably the ultimate ‘intelligent’ reader book, so that one’s a good flex! I don’t think I’d even have an answer to that prompt myself 🙈

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    1. Kindles are so great for a book bargain 😊 ahaha special editions are so worth it though 👌🏼

      Yes I think it’s a mixed bag! … tehe yes it wasn’t an easy one to answer tbf! 😂

      Thanks for reading Abi 😊

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