The Perfect Book Tag | stories as perfect as my sister

Welcome all book lovers and internet travellers,

I hope you’re all well & dandy. Thank you for pondering upon my blog post – let’s have some ‘perfect book tag’ fun! I will go through each category and choose which items/ aspects/ characters etc. from books/films/TV series* that I think are perfect.

*the original tag is for books only, but I’ve expanded my horizons (most of the tv shows are based on books anyway)


  1. Answer honestly, there are no wrong answers
  2. To make it just a little harder, you can’t mention the same book/film/TV series twice
  3. Have FUN!
  4. Tag Sofi if you decide to do it, She would love to see your answers
  5. Tag at least 5 people

The Perfect Genre

pick a film/series/book that perfectly represents its genre

I’m going with romance here. And saying that the film ‘About Time’ perfectly encapsulates this genre. Anyone who has seen it will surely agree that it’s such an uplifting and charming film, full of love in all forms – it breaks your heart and fixes it again. A great – in fact, the best – romance.

The Perfect Setting

pick a film/series/book that takes place in a perfect place

This was the easiest one for me, The Shire from Lord of the Rings / The Hobbit – I’ll be honest, I haven’t read the books so this is inspiration from the films, but I think it’s my most favourite place I visit in my mind. I could imagine going there and feeling just one thing: peace. I love the green, the food, the way of life.

The Perfect Main Character

pick the perfect main character

Oh, this is a biggie, the queen of the story – for me, I’m saying it’s Kate from Bridgerton Season 2. She’s strong, interesting and easy to invest in – a pure delight – and those glorious clothes from Bridgerton are a feast for the senses to boot!

The Perfect Best Friend

loyal and supportive, pick a character that you think is the best friend ever

Camila from Daisy Jones & The Six – I’ve only seen the TV series but I loved it to death. Camila was an angel- forgiving, balanced, kind, full of fun – you feel like you could trust her with all your secrets whilst she gently brushed your hair, and what more are best friends for ay!?

The Perfect Love Interest

pick a character you think would be an amazing romantic partner

Declan from Terms & Conditions. He’s a bit awkward and ‘stiff’, but he’s sexy, a little bit older, eats doughnuts whilst watching the racing and he’s rich too – money isn’t the key to happiness, but it sure as hell isn’t a problem either. Tick, tick, tick.

The Perfect Villain

pick a character with the most sinister mind

Another biggie, one of my favourite villains is Jonathan Morgenstern from The Mortal Instruments series – I loved how he could be charming and sexy but was sharp as a knife, bad to the bone – a good baddy for me is a double edge sword, will woo you and then stab you in the back! Enter, Jonathan.

The Perfect Family

pick a perfect bookish family

Charlie Swan from the Twilight series. One person can be a family, and that is proven by Charlie – he was the golden angel from those books – kind, calm, safe and a brilliant moustache – plus, he doesn’t hover. He’s the perfect family rolled into one for your convenience.

The Perfect Animal or Pet

pick a pet or fantastic animal that you need to see in a book

A unicorn with wings – not a pegasus, not a unicorn, a unicorn with wings – the horn elevates the look and would be the most perfect friend/mode of transport/ ramming weapon, anyone could wish to have.

The Perfect Plot Twist

pick a book with the best plot twist

Tell Me a Secret by Jane Fallon – this had good twists in it, nothing earth-shattering but I loved the twists and turns in this book and it kept me reading way past my bedtime. Proper juicy.

The Perfect Trope

pick that trope you would add to your own book without thinking

Enemies to lovers. This would slip into my book like a silk nightgown, I love a back-and-forth between characters, I feel like there’s more creative license to play with the characters and not be too nicey nicey.

The Perfect Cover

pick that cover that you would easily put in your own book

The cover on ‘Hell Bent’ by Leigh Bardugo. I love how simple yet chilling the cover is and I also have a thing for albino rabbits, so it’s very me and I’d be proud to have that cover.

The Perfect Ending

pick a film/series/book that has the perfect ending

It may be classed as a bit of a non-answer, but any perfect ending for me is one where all the loose ends are tied with a bow, I know exactly what the character’s fate is – it hasn’t been left to my imagination. If a book, film or show ends with all questions answered then I love it – if it has a happy and wholesome ending then even better.

So that would be my perfect book, all those lovely bits mashed together – and if anyone wants to write a book with all these aspects in for me, then please get in touch ASAP (copyright’s not a thing, right?!).

What is your perfect book? Have you watched About Time (if not, why?)? Are you a Charlie Swan fan (if not, why?)? What are your favourite book covers?

12 thoughts on “The Perfect Book Tag | stories as perfect as my sister

  1. Ahhh I love camila from daisy jones and the six, she really is the best best friend material😍
    And kate sharma is one of my favourite main characters – she’s drop dead gorgeous too!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I also want in on the Camila friendship gang! 🙋‍♀️ I agree, she’d be a great listener, advice-giver, and also lots of fun, so she’d be awesome to have around!

    And lol, I definitely feel like Charlie would be easy to live with! His curfew and grounding methods are too old-fashioned for my tastes, though, so even though I don’t think he’s a bad family, I’d rather stick with mine 🥰 I think I’d also get too bored if my siblings weren’t there – like, family board game nights with just Charlie don’t sound super exciting… Living with him doesn’t sound all that different from living on your own, honestly.

    As for endings, I actually sometimes prefer more open, bittersweet ones! But I do want all of my questions answered if they are central to the plot, so I’m right with you there!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Another high five for Camila, she is a gorgeous person!
      Aye Charlie is certainly not for everyone – board game night definitely sounds more fun round yours! 😊
      Yeah it is good to have questions answered for sure.
      Thanks for reading! 🧡

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Ohh this is such a fun tag, I love it so much. 🥰 Definitely agree with you on About Time. This movie broke my heart into million pieces and put it back together, as well. I just adore it so much!! 🥰

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Okay I’m definitely going to have to try and read Daisy Jones soon so that I can watch the series as not only have you mentioned one of the characters but a lot of the comments I saw seem to have echoed it. I know I could just watch the show without reading the book first but I want to do it that way round 😅

    Omg yes I agree, you need charming villians!! I love the type who do such despicable things that you hate them but you simultaneously love their presence too & know they’ll draw characters in.

    I have a couple of Jane Fallon books on my tbr but haven’t gotten to any of them yet 🙈

    Yay snap for enemies to lovers. Its the best 😍 I can’t help but constantly fall for those vibes.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aw yes- definitely get on that Daisy Jones train, I hope you enjoy both the book and the TV series. I’ve heard great things about the book too even though I haven’t read it myself 😊

      Exactly that!! Those villains are the best!

      Ooh hope you enjoy Jane Fallon when you get to them too, I find them really fun reads.

      High five on enemies to lovers! It’s such fun to read!

      Thanks for reading Charlotte 💛

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you. So have I, everytime I see either mentioned it tends to be a highly positive way.

        Thank you, that is the impression I get from the blurbs.

        It is, always excited when I find a read with those vibes.


        Liked by 1 person

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