The Final Quarterly Wrap-Up of 2023 | spoiler: this post features four new books to obsess over

🧛🏻 October – December 🍾

Hey everyone!

Long time, no see. I am not promising consistent posts, but as I use my blog as a reading diary, I wanted to share my monthly wrap-up and 2023 wrap-up for my future self’s sake.

I hope you are well and I’m sending best wishes for 2024, especially to the people who need it most.

You will notice many of these books have no comments as I have some actual longer reviews coming here on my blog soon..ish. I could talk about the books twice but I don’t want to. I know you will be impatiently wondering about my thoughts on these books until the time of my reviews. I can only say thank you for your patience! 😇


A DOWRY OF BLOOD BY S. T. GIBSON // review coming soon 🦇

DIVINE MIGHT BY NATALIE HAYNES 🎧 // I was surprised by how much I thoroughly enjoyed this book. I love powerful women and feminist retellings as much as the next gal, but I sometimes worry they will rely on the notion “power is there if only you take it” when I find it a much too simple phrase, it is just easily marketable. This book felt like a conversation with a well-educated woman about the goddesses in Greek myth. She interpreted the myths and tales from the ancient past to modern interpretations. It really made you think about the people who created the stories and the goddesses themselves. It is a great conversational beginners’ book about Greek myth whilst still offering intriguing ‘food for thought’ to anyone who knows them already. I highly recommend this read, and not just because the author professionally disdains Hades.

THE SEVEN MOONS OF MAALI ALMEIDA BY SHEHAN KARUNATILAKA 🎧 // After Jan @ Inkspun Tales mentioned this book, I decided to read it immediately and I thoroughly enjoyed this book. It is a book I know I will want to reread; to simply experience the story again and to take in all the names and history. It is a historically significant story for Sri Lanka captured through the eyes of Maali Almeida, a self-confessed photographer, gambler and slut. This is his story… from the afterlife. The book is bold in its topics, the unlikeability of the main character and its humour. All of this makes for a more memorable, entertaining and emotional story. It is a book I advise going into with little knowledge so you can get to know Maali Almeida and his journey yourself, but please run to the library, because this book had one of the best voices I’ve read in a long time. You can quote me on that!

GODKILLER BY HANNAH KANER // review coming soon ⌛

THE WAKE-UP CALL BY BETH O’LEARY 🎧 // This is an enemies-to-lovers rom-com which meant I expected the enemies part to be miscommunication. I didn’t find it annoying because Beth O’Leary has plenty of charm. The characterisation is good and I loved the hotel setting. The book would make a great holiday movie. I have to be in the right mood for these books but when I am, they are always pleasing to read.

PRIEST BY SIERRA SIMONE // If you like erotica books with a wider plot, I suggest looking to Simone. I really appreciated the character work/journeys written into her novels whilst containing more intense smut than your typical rom-com. It is a healthy entertaining balance. Priest centres around a priest (go figure) and conversations of celibacy. It was not a one-sided conversation which I think was important and carried a personal journey of one’s self alongside the romance. The subject matter isn’t for everyone but I liked what I got from the book.

THE BELLES BY DHONIELLE CLAYTON // This YA fantasy was a pleasant surprise. The worldbuilding centres around beauty and it was such a fascinating, relevant execution of magic with real-world themes. I would love to explore the worldbuilding, the villain and greater themes from the novel without the YA checklist. By this I mean, the love interest plots were unnecessary. The dialogue felt a little forced as well. However, overall this book is still worth people’s time.

THE LESSONS BY NAOMI ALDERMAN 🎧 // This book reminds me of “If We Were Villains” and “Saltburn”, but with less murder. It is a slice-of-life book and offers an insightful look at human behaviour. In particular, how well do you want to love the wrong people? Any book titled The Lessons is surely about mistakes, this one most certainly is. The subtle ones. From the university’s golden days to the decisions made afterwards. It is a character-driven book with distant personalities existing next to each other but the main character is an observer who wants to be let in. It is intriguing in the way only human behaviour is, it can often lead to disappointment and other strong reflections. There are no great stakes or purpose. It isn’t even anything that hasn’t been said before, but it felt like a reflective, smart read. Ideal for specific readers, I hope you know who you are.


RENEGADES BY MARISSA MEYER // review coming soon ⌛

CHRISTMAS WISHES AT THE CHOCOLATE SHOP BY JESSICA REDLAND // This was a gift so I went in with an open mind but aware that reading a “Hallmark” book isn’t my ideal read. However, the setting of the small coastal town and the chocolate shop was idyllic and charming. Yet this could not defeat the “of course” aspects of this book. Spoilers: The shop she wanted to buy suddenly became available, of course. She didn’t prepare a speech but it was still the best speech ever, of course. The woman with the nickname “BJ” was the one cheating with her boyfriend, of course. (sidenote: I understand not liking the women who knowingly cheated with your boyfriend, but it felt like the woman got all the slut-shaming and harsher judgements. It felt like a vendetta against a type of woman. This was a shame because the love interest’s break-up was handled well).

I understand these types of books aren’t read for shock value or even intrigue, but it felt like the story had no challenges. They were perfect people and it was blatantly obvious what was going to happen. The second half felt a lot more original and engaging so I am glad it improved. Nonetheless, a forgettable read.





WOLF S1 // I don’t often watch mystery shows but this one I pleasantly enjoyed. It had lots of moving parts and different people to spin an intriguing web. Perhaps not a clever, shocking mystery, but an entertaining, intriguing one. Iwan Rheon is always great on the screen!

GHOSTS S5 // I’ve said this show is a warm hug enough times but I loved the latest season! It is so charming and heartwarming! I will miss my winter watch!

INTERVIEW WITH THE VAMPIRE S1 // This is such a dynamic show. I adore the acting and emotional reasoning behind the characters. Give me all the essays on it. It may be a vampire show but it is about the very human emotions of them. It was very entertaining and tantalising!

THE COUPLE NEXT DOOR // It was different and intriguing to an extent, but one of the main characters became so unlikeable that I didn’t care what happened to her. I’m sorry.

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End of Year Posts:

What books have you read recently? Do you read books to reflect the current season/celebration? What are your favourite vampire books/shows?

37 thoughts on “The Final Quarterly Wrap-Up of 2023 | spoiler: this post features four new books to obsess over

  1. the biggest compliment a reader can get is someone loving a book they recommended, i’m glad you loved seven moons of maali almeida! thank you for the shoutout, you’re the best ❤

    i can't wait for your review for a dowry of blood, i loved that one too. a silver under nightfall is on my tbr, and i loved the first episode of interview with the vampire (can you tell i've been on a hunt of more vampire-themed media lately)

    i'll be waiting for your review for renegades too! i liked the vibes of the book but it fell short of my expectations.

    happy new year, and have a great 2024, sophie ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It is always a nice feeling to hear someone loved a book you recommended and I can’t thank you enough for this one. It was amazing!
      Of course 🥰❤️

      A Dowry of Blood has such amazing writing, the emotions it was able to express!
      I recommend Silver Under Nightfall for when you are in a romance mood!
      Haha I went hunting for vampire media too, the craze finally got to me. I can happily say I loved interview with the vampire more every episode so I really hope you continue to enjoy it.

      Hopefully my review will be out shortly, there were definitely parts I liked about renegades but it left a lot unanswered too.

      Thank you so much Jan ❤️ I hope you have a wonderful 2024 too!


  2. Thank you for mentioning my posts. I love making those lists so much. And I’ll have to try and check out a few of the others soon too.

    Ooh I look forward to seeing your reviews. I may have screamed if you hasn’t at least categorised these books though because mentioning two vampire books then the saying whether or not you’d enjoyed them would be plain cruel 😂😂 I’m glad both were hits though. I’ll definitely have to read them sometime too. I’m pretty sure I have a few Natalie Haynes books on my tbr too and the one you’ve included does sound like an interesting and fairly different book. Ooh you mentioned reading the moon one the other day but you’ve definitely intrigued me!! It sounds so unique.

    Godkiller is one book I really hope to get to soon. I’m trying to catch up with series before their sequels release 😅 plus the name says it all… I’ve had Belles on my TBR for ages too. I look forward to seeing your reviews for Gods Of Jade too.

    I’m sorry to see your more disappointing reads. I totally relate to the ‘of course’ feelings. It’s so frustrating when things naturally go a certain obvious, but unlikely, way.

    Unsurprisingly I’ve seen none of the shows you’ve mentioned 🙈 I really need to up my television game 😂

    I’ve already given you lots of vampire recommendations and you know my current read 😂 I always like the idea of seasonal reading but with the size of my tbr I never seem to get to it 🙈 hopefully this will be the year that I get it somewhat under control.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Of course ❤️ I loved reading your lists! 🥰

      I have promised a lot of reviews so I hope I can deliver. They are mostly written, I’ve just got to edit them (and finish reading another two books 😅).
      I’m glad the categories helped because it would have be cruel 😂 I really enjoyed my vampire books, very different though. Under Nightfall is more romance and Dowry was more about the writing. Hope you love them too.

      Natalie Haynes has got a few books out now and after this one, I want to read them all. I really do recommend Divine Might, it is ao interesting and actually engaging to read.
      The Seven Moons Of Maali Almeida was a unique story and I loved so many things about it. I’d love to know if you ever pick it up!

      Godkiller was a surprisingly quick read as it quite short for a fantasy. So I guess it wasn’t that surprising 😂 it was entertaining. I do love the name!
      Best of luck with reading series before the sequels 🤞🏻
      I think the third book of the belles is came out the end of last year, I always thought it was a duology.
      Thank you, hopefully soon 🥰

      The of course feeling can get a bit much when it keeps happening!

      Aw.. One day you will have watched all the shows I have 😂

      True, I have lots of vampire recs to go on! ❤️
      Seasonal reading isn’t always ideal, I only do it for Autumn really!
      Best of luck getting it under control! 😁

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you ❤️❤️

        I’m sure they’ll be wonderful. Ooh if you’ve got to read two books does that mean two other reviews as well? I imagine ones the ARC that you mentioned but what’s the other?
        It would have been exceptionally cruel!! Ooh really? I’d never have got romance from the cover of that one. I’ll definitely let you know what I think when I finally read them both.

        I’m orrery sure it’s on my TBR. And I really hope that you enjoy whatever you read next by her too. I’m sure there’s lots of Greek mythology so please do keep me informed.
        I’ll definitely let you know if/when I do. It certainly sounds intruging.

        Yeah I’ve seen it in store and it doesn’t look particularly long. I don’t see how anyone can resist that kind of title though.
        Thank you. Considering how many series I want to catch up on I’ll certainly need it 😬
        Yeah I saw that. I haven’t read the blurb as I haven’t read the other books yet but I’m not sure if it was more of a companion? Idk though.

        Yes definitely. Or if the case is particularly extreme.

        I think I’d be there for a very long time 🤣

        I hope you find some favourites within them. Maybe the autumn style books appeal to you most then? And thank you 🤞

        Liked by 1 person

        1. It does mean more reviews! I haven’t written many in a while and now I have multiple coming. One is the ARC, you are correct. The other is The Historian as I planned on doing a vampire themed post, it may be more than one post now! 😅
          The cover doesn’t scream romance and there is a bigger plot at play, but I think you should expect romance going in.
          Thank youuu!

          Lovely! Definitely lots of Greek myths and I will let you know!
          Ty 🥰

          haha it is very alluring!
          ahh.. you’ve got this!!
          I just had a look at the blurb and you are right, it is a companion with side characters from the OG. I need to start fact checking what I’m saying 🤣


          Thank you! Yes, I think so. People focus on fantasy, magic and darkness in Autumn which does match my tastes!

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Well I look forward to seeing them all!! Although I may hold off on reading any that are of super high priority reads of mine until I’ve read the books. Then we can compare feelings when I comment.
            Ooh yay you’ve caught the vampire bug!! I’m so happy. And I definitely need to read that one this year. I think I’ve got the ebook 🤔 if I’m wrong I’ll get it out of the library at some point.
            Well I do love a bit of romance in vampire books! Plot is definitely important too though.

            Thank you

            Thanks again ❤️❤️ I hope you’re right.
            Oh 😂 To be fair I think I’m just too aware of the contents of my tbr. If I read its contents as well I knew it maybe I’d actually catch up 🙈

            Same here!! Autumn themed lists have so much to offer. Winter I think I can come up with suggestions for too. Summer & spring are harder 😅

            Liked by 1 person

            1. Thank you, it will be nice to share thoughts afterwards 🥰
              I have 😂 I hope you end up enjoying it, I started it and I like the writing. It reminds me of an Indiana Jones adventure strangely!

              It is good to be aware! Haha easier said than done! 😁

              I agree, summer is more for rom-coms I guess, the ideal beach reads 😂☀️⛱️

              Liked by 1 person

              1. It will 🥰
                Ooh intriguing. Although I’m not sure if I’ve seen any of them 🤔 although I get the vibes you mean.

                Yeah it does seem to be. Although mine would still mostly be fantasy tomes 🤣

                Liked by 1 person

                  1. I don’t think so?? Maybe I saw the second newest one?? I haven’t seen Star Wars either 😂 apparently I’m behind on popular franchises. Oh and I’ve only seen the latest Mission Impossible 🙈
                    Oh are the first two worth watching or not then?

                    Liked by 1 person

                    1. Ah… It is impossible to have seen all of them tbf! haha, I’ve seen Star Wars once, it captures fun adventure so I think you might like it in that sense and I haven’t seen all the mission impossibles either! 😂
                      The first two Indiana Jones are good, I personally think the third is the best. The modern two are meh 😅

                      Liked by 1 person

                    2. I suppose so 😂 I think I saw the start of one of the newer ones and wasn’t that keen. I guess I’ll try to check out some of the older Star Wars films one day though.
                      Which Mission Impossibles have you seen?
                      I guess I’ll have to look out for those too then. And let you know if I agree as to which are beat.

                      Liked by 1 person

                    3. That’s good to know as what I saw of the newer one seemed a bit cliche & predictable. I’ll let you know if/when I watch one of the older ones.
                      Ah right. I do want to try and watch them one day so I’ll let you know how I find them. Lots to catch up on though 😂

                      Liked by 1 person

  3. Looks like you read some great books (and watched lots) during the last few months of the yr (GODS OF JADE AND SHADOW IS ON MY TO-READ LIST – cant wait to read what you think) + thanks so much for sharing my post & wishing you a lovely 2024! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I have certainly been lucky with the books and TV shows lately! 🥰
      I look forward to posting my review for Gods of Jade and Shadow, hope you love it when you get to it!
      Of course ❤️ thank you, I hope you have a wonderful 2024 too.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. The Seven Moons of Maali Almeida sounds so strange that I have to read it. I’m very intrigued by how you call it bold and call the main character unlikeable. That’s usually something I like!

    I’ve also added The Lessons to my TBR, maybe just because you compared it to We Were Villains, a book I’ve just read and loved 😄 But it’s also set in Oxford so I have no choice but to read it! I hope I’m one of those specific readers you’re talking about 😁

    Thank you so much for sharing my post! ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The Seven Moons of Maali Almeida was a very unique read, and in all the best ways. It was a take notice book and I really admired the storytelling. I am bias but I really hope you love it.

      Ah.. I hope my comparison to If We Were Villains holds true in some capacity and it wasn’t just me going academia = academia, I felt like there was a similar essence in the characters.
      You’ve got the setting either way. I hope you enjoy it 🥰

      Of course ❤️🌟

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Happy New Year, Sophie!! 🎆

    Also, how have I not read ANY of the books on your list? The travesty! 😱 I immediately need to remedy that – maybe with The Seven Moons of Maali Almeida? After all, with both you and Jan recommending it, I can’t really resist, can I?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Happy New Year Naemi 🌟

      Haha I can safely say all these books are for different moods but most are worth your time. I would highly recommend The Seven Moons of Maali Almeida, I mean, our two votes for it means you must!
      I think it is a really interesting piece of literature and worth experience just for that fact alone. Hope you love it!

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Happy New Year!
    I am so glad to see that you loved Natalie Haynes’s book! I need to add that book to my tbr. I’m currently reading A Thousand Ships by her and it’s fantastic.
    I’ll definitely read A Dowry of Blood next October! It keeps popping up, and people seem to love it. As for my favourite vampire book, I’m going to be basic and say Dracula. But it’s so good!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Happy New Year 🌟❤️

      I was surprised by how much I enjoyed Haynes’s book and it has made me want to read more from her. I am so happy you are enjoying A Thousand Ships, I must check it out.

      I can understand why everyone seems to love A Dowry of Blood now, the writing is pretty powerful. Hope you enjoy it in October
      Aw.. I should read Dracula, I’ve heard a lot of good things from many readers now. I’m glad you love it too!

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Sophie!!! What an honor that you shared my post on your blog, it means a lot, thank you so much!!! ❤️ I love how you organize your posts, I do the same so I admire an organized bookish friend 😄✨️
    Ihope your 2024 is wonderful and of course, full of good reads 🥳👏🏻

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aw.. Of course, Sofi ❤️ thank you so much for the post!
      Thank you for noticing 😂 being organised helps me think better… Or at least helps me hide the disorganised parts. 😆
      Thank you, I hope you have a great 2024 with lots of favourites too 🌟🥳


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