Movies of 2024 (part 1)

🖤 I watched 5 vampire movies and I can honestly say they were all different

If you’ve seen these movies, please tell me your thoughts.

10 thoughts on “Movies of 2024 (part 1)

  1. I was required to watch Persepolis for my Film Theory course and it was one of my favorites of the semester! I was surprised at how it managed to be pretty in depth about the subject matter, yet also very accessible and nuanced. I definitely want to read the graphic novel it was adapted from and its sequel!

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    1. I bet it was a great film to watch for a course, to unpick the storytelling techniques and more. The balance between the subject matter and its ability to appeal to a wide audience really struck me too. I’ve heard great things about the graphic novels and I love how the art style for both formats are so similar! ✨

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  2. The final 15 minutes of Challengers literally had me on the edge of my seat in the cinema. Such a good movie!! I seriously need to get my act together and watch Poor Things and Aftersun, been wanting to watch them since they both came out but procrastination got the better of me.

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    1. It was tense, honestly demonstrated nail-biting scenes better than most action movies! 😂
      I hope you enjoy watching both movies, they are each unique experiences, I particularly recommend Aftersun! ✨


  3. We seem to have pretty different movie tastes – I haven’t seen any of these and you’d have to dish out some serious bribes and threats to even make me go near a horror film 😂 Still, some of these sound so interesting! I’ve heard great things about the Persepolis graphic novel, so maybe once I get around to that, I’ll have to watch the movie after and see how it compares!

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    1. Haha I have been enjoying trying new things movie wise I have to say ✨ well the only bribe I can offer is how I am loving the theme element of horrors (the good ones 😂) but horrors aren’t for everyone! 👻
      I’ve heard great things about the Persepolis graphic novels too, hope you enjoy both formats 🥰

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      1. I’m definitely too much of a wuss to ever get into horror 😂 I quite literally scream if a character so much as breathes and then I can’t sleep for days on end afterwards because my imagination goes into overdrive. So I’m staying well clear and will leave all themes to you! 😁

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  4. I adored Nimona! I thought it took the graphic novel and made alterations that actually updated/suited an adaption. I think, like you, 3000 Years wasn’t one I feel I’d rewatch necessarily, but I did really enjoy the film while it was on. It was visually beautiful and really immersive.

    You’ve got me intrigued by The Farewell and To Die For.

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    1. That’s great that it felt like a upgrade from the graphic novel in some respect. I love it when an adaptation can bring out a new side to the story. My new library has the graphic novel so I will be interested to see what it is like, even if I’m doing it in reverse order.
      3000 years was beautiful, it created an experience which I always admire in film format.

      Ohh.. I really enjoy those two films. I hope you have a good time with them 🥰

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