May Wrap-Up | I read one of the most popular recent books 👀✨

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The Order of The Pure Moon Reflected in Water by Zen Cho 🎧

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.

Zeroboxer by Fonda Lee 🎧

Rating: 2 out of 5.

The Murderbot Diaries by Martha Wells 🎧

Rating: 4 out of 5.

Spirits Abroad by Zen Cho 🎧

Rating: 4 out of 5.

The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue by V. E. Schwab

Rating: 3.5 out of 5.

Long Live Evil by Sarah Rees Brennan

Rating: 3 out of 5.

Rule Of Wolves by Leigh Bardugo 🎧

Rating: 3 out of 5.

Evocation by S. T. Gibson

Rating: 3 out of 5.

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  • Sumedha @ The Wordy Habitat provided a bumper list of her best book recommendations. I adored the variety of books included in this list and the detail of why each book will be worth your time so you know what to expect.

Have you read The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue? Did you like it? What did you think to the characters?

Have you read two books by the same author and felt like it was two different writers?

18 thoughts on “May Wrap-Up | I read one of the most popular recent books 👀✨

  1. I loved Addie too when I finally finished it this year and totally agree with you. I also believe it to be a book about loneliness and somehow that really works in the time of social media & co. How did you enjoy King of Scars? I am having a really hard time with it although I love Nikolai as a character but the switching POV is not doing its thing here. :/

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m glad you enjoyed Addie LaRue. The theme of loneliness felt like a very personal exploration from the author which is why it felt true, and it is a good point to compare to the times of social media. Whilst, we may appear closer than ever, the interactions are isolating at the same, which can match Addie quite well. I love that link, ty!
      King of Scars wasn’t what I imagined really and my prior love of the characters got me through it. Nina and Nikolai seem like separate plots sandwiched together so I can understand your feelings. It has been a while since I read it, but by the end I think I had adjusted and got into the plot more. I would say Rule of Wolves is the strongest of the two as I preferred the plot overall.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Thanks for the shoutout! Out of all the books, I’ve only read Order of Pure Moon and I really loved it! I also can’t believe I’ve never heard of Long Live Evil before- I immediately added it to my tbr as it sounds just so fun! 😂 I’m surprised that Evocation has a straightforward writing style, especially since ST Gibson is known for her flowery writing style. I’m kinda intrigued to see how it affects the atmosphere of the story though, but maybe will lower my expectations a little.

    I hope your June has been great so far! 💛

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    1. You’re welcome 🥰 I’m so glad you enjoyed order of the pure moon too, it was such a blast!
      Long Live Evil was amusing, alongside a plot of high stakes still. Brennan is really good at having fun within the fantasy genre. Her YA book, In Other Lands, is one of my favourites. Long Live Evil didn’t quite match my expectations in some ways, but I know it will provide unique reading experiences for many!
      I was really surprised by Evocation’s writing as well. I worry I was too critical by comparing it to A Dowry of Blood’s writing, but they was no flair so to say. I hope you end up enjoying Evocation more than me, I will be curious to hear what you think either way!

      Thank you, wishing you a wonderful June too ✨

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    1. The Murderbot Diaries are great reads. I will be intrigued to see the TV show adaptation too!
      Nicola is fully fabulous, I love her! Big Mood felt like a heavier role for Nicola to play, but she does it really well. I hope you end up enjoying the show as much as I did ✨

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  3. Yay that’s amazing that you read 11 books last month. Well done ❤️

    I’m glad you enjoyed the Zen Cho novella so much. It sounds intriguing and the cover is very hard to resist. I love that it’s a found family quest but so much more. And get what you mean about not saying too much. There were ways I wanted to describe my most recent read but stayed away from as I think uncovering those elements is part of the fun.

    I’m sorry that you weren’t a fan of the Fonda Lee book, even if you did kind of expect it. The politics involved sound intriguing so it’s a shame they didn’t go into as much depth as you’d have liked. It’s a shame about the characters and romance too. I can’t believe you’ve read everything by the author now and I still haven’t even read her most popular series 🙈

    Ah The Murderbot Diaries are so popular and I haven’t read them either 🙈 they do sound intriguing though. And I do hope to pick them up eventually to check out the hype. A unique narrator is always a plus too.

    Ooh I don’t think I knew that Zen Cho had a short story collection and you know how I love those 😍 I’ll definitely have to check it out sometime. Although first I really should read Sorceror To The Crown as I’m sure I own the ebook 🙈 but it definitely sounds like a fascinating collection.

    Yay I’m glad you finally read Addie. And that it’s your favourite by the author so far. I never thought about the effect that her looks had on the story but it’s interesting to consider. And if she’d been different the story certainly could have been too. I loved the looks into the past though so I guess we’ll have to disagree there 😂 but yes I agree that the way it used art was fascinating and it had some really powerful moments. And the ending was superb. It really elevates a book when it ties up in a way that stays with you.

    Darker light hearted is such a weird unexpected combination but I’ve come across it too. I think it works best when you go into it expect it, otherwise you can want the darkness to be more extreme I think.

    I’m sorry you didn’t enjoy Rule Of Wolves more. I loved it, I got really invested in Ninas story, but I knew the David bit was going to be hard for you 😔

    I’ve seen a lot of disappointment about Evocation and from what you’ve said I don’t think it would be for me. I really hope to get to Dowry sometime though. And I’m glad you thought the character of David was portrayed well.

    I haven’t seen any of the shows you’ve mentioned (how unusual 😂😂) but it must have been interesting having one explore local history, even if it was slow overall. I’ve seen bits and pieces from Clarksons Farm and can safely say that you don’t have to like him to enjoy it. I know people who hate him but like the show. And appreciate that it shows how much hard work goes into farming. I think I’d like it from the bits I’ve seen too.

    Thank you for including my Greek mythology post. I’m glad you enjoyed it ❤️❤️ and can’t wait to read the books from it so that I can share my thoughts on them.

    In regards to your question about books by the same author maybe And I Darken & Mister Magic by Kiersten White. They’re very different genres so that could be part of it but I loved one and struggled with the other so I think it’s more than that alone. I’m hoping it’ll be the case with a few others though where I’ve read books by them and been majorly letdown but have others on my tbr that I don’t want to fully rule out reading.

    I hope you’re having a wonderful June ❤️❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Some were novellas but it felt like the biggest total of books I had read in a while, thank you!

      I’m so glad I picked up Zen Cho’s books this month. The novella does have a beautiful cover and the story inside is worth it. A nice balance of classic fantasy feels and emotional impact. Maybe I find reviews hard to write without describing the plot in more detail, on the edge of spoiler territory 😂 haha you can give too much away, but I’m glad you enjoyed your latest read!

      It’s no biggie, it just wasn’t for me but I think it could have done more. As much as I’ve read her books in reverse order, you can see how her writing has developed with each book to provide that extra depth. She’s a good author and I hope you enjoy her books ones day 😁

      The Murdererbot Diaries are very popular and I can see why. They are what they say on the tin, but if that’s what you want, it is a strong version of it. I really enjoyed the narrator, definitely a reason to explore the stories.

      Really?! I’m glad I could bring it to your attention. “If at first you do succeed, try, try again” and “The Terracotta Bride” are two stories from it available to read online for free, but I would recommend the whole book. Hope you love it ❤️
      Sorcerer to the Crown was a good read too, different to her other works in some ways though.

      Finally! ✨😂 I’m glad I did read it. I think the looks would have been interesting to consider! Haha fair enough about the past, I would have liked Luc’s perspective for sure!
      It did, I think as it was personal stories from the author through it’s themes, it gave it such a powerful feel. I did love the ending 😍

      I know, a slight juxtaposition 😂 the stories talks about some really cruel behaviour but overall the voice is very much finding the joy in a hard time 😂 expectation are important, but this book definitely advertises the humour so hopefully no one should be surprised by it.

      It is a shame, but I’m glad you loved it! I know, I did not like that part 😅

      It is interesting that many readers have felt the same. I haven’t looked yet and wondered if I might be on my own. I am not surprised to hear I am not though, it was too different to what I wanted from Gibson. I hope you love Dowry! Two David characters in a row, what are the odds for fantasy novels 😂😂

      Haha 😂 yeah it is nice to think about what living in my area was like in the 80s and they even used the city as a location in the show.
      I find Clarkson alright on the TV, but I can see why he annoys some people. The show is about more and tells watchers about the issues farmers face. I hope you get to watch it one day then 😁

      Of course ❤️ it was wonderful to see and I hope you enjoy all the books 🥰

      Oohh interesting that you’ve experience the same with an author. I guess being different genres does impact it, but still you think they’d be something similar in the writing. I hope you enjoy the others on your TBR, hope isn’t lost at least!

      Thank you and you 🩷❤️🥰

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      1. Yes I did notice that but it’s still fantastic.

        That’s really good to hear and I’m glad you’re enjoying her books. That definitely sounds like a wonderful combination. Thank you ❤️

        Considering how different it sounds I suppose it makes sense that you wouldn’t love everything. And thank you. I’m torn between catching up on my TBR and ordering some high priority series into the library. If I do the second then her Green Bone series is definitely going to be one of them.

        Yes very true if they deliver what they promise. I suppose novella length series can be easy for lots of readers to pick up too.

        Ooh are they on the authors website or something then? I do love collections though so I’ll try to read the whole thing one day anyway.
        It’ll be interesting to see how I find it. I’ll definitely share my thoughts with you.

        Ah right. That’s good then. And it sounds like an unusual mix but I know how well it can work too.

        Aww I’m sorry 😪 but thank you.

        I definitely saw a few lower ratings and disappointment. As well as mentions of how much they’d enjoyed Dowry so you’re not alone. And yes I noticed the double David thing. I had to check I hadn’t made a mistake in my original comment 😂

        That’s interesting then. I remember you mentioning a song being based on there too I think.
        To be fair my dad had Top Gear on none stop so anyone would get fed up of him under the circumstances 😂😂 but yes I’ve heard that it shows those struggles well.

        Thank you ❤️

        I’ll let you know how I find the rest. And I suppose sometimes books by authors can feel vastly different. It’s odd as you’d think they’d have a set style but with some it does seem to change a fair bit.

        Thank you ❤️

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Thank youuu 🥰

          It does, in Fonda Lee’s latest novella she even said herself how the type of stories she wrote changed drastically from when she started but she was glad it was The Green Bone Saga that became her first “big hit”. Aw… I get the indecision, but sometimes you have just got to read what you most what to! I’m excited to hear your thoughts on it whenever you pick it up!

          Absolutely, shorter books can work well for readers at specific times!

          I can’t remember, but I can find them if you decide you want to check them out first, just message me 🤗 thank you!!



          Aw.. it is a shame really, everyone loves Dowry! haha.. no escaping from the Davids 🤣

          The Specials were from Coventry and apparently one of their songs were inspired by the city! Haha, it does sound like overkill 😂

          Thank you! I guess some authors like to experiment and find new voices, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t!



  4. Oooh, you had such a great May in terms of media, it seems! Everybody universally seems to be gushing about The Murderbot Dairies, so I really need to get a move on and see what all the fuss is about 😂

    I’ve only read Addie LaRue (which I really loved at the time and is probably also my favorite Schwab book 🤗) and Rule of Wolves (which I’m sorry to say I heartily despised 😅) on your list, though. Weirdly enough, I have yet to reread Addie LaRue, though – I’m kind of scared I wouldn’t love it as much anymore now, since I did feel like the characters felt like “types” rather than fleshed-out, complicated people sometimes, but I did love the writing, the general air of loneliness in the story, and, of course, everything Faust-myth related! So maybe I will have to revisit it sometime soon?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I can’t complain. I was surprised by how much I read as I felt like I wasn’t reading often. All I can say is thank you audiobooks!
      The Murderbot Diaries are what it says on the tin, but if the plot appeals to you., it is well done. If you decide to check them out, I hope you enjoy them. I think the narrator will make you smile… at least once!

      Aw… snap on placing Addie LaRue at the top of the Schwab pile and I totally get not enjoying Rule of Wolves~~ I think Bardugo is stronger at small-scale plots, rather than widespread politics. The character interest is more or less always there for me at least.

      I get what you mean, I wouldn’t necessarily recommend Addie for the character work either, but as the book is written with such personal themes, I actually believe it is one you could enjoy on the reread, because of that. Even though, I wished it went deeper at times, that magic should be there on every visit (in my mind) as it was a conversation piece worth extra consideration. I hope you enjoy it as much if you decide to reread it! ✨

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  5. I’ve only heard “Alienated”, but since you’re saying it’s your album of the month maybe I should check out the rest?

    I need to read The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue ah, I think I’m in a unique position in that I read The Archived like, ten years ago now, but never read any other books by Schwab?

    And thank you so much for sharing my post, ahh I hope you liked the album!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I think Zayn’s new album is worth the listen. Whilst the music is a different genre from what what we’ve come to expect from him, lyrically it is an interesting album. I find myself wanting to listen to it again and again! Hope you enjoy ✨

      Oh wow, you were early on the Schwab train. They seem to have wrote a variety of stories now and I actually love seeing an author write from a different personal experience each time. Addie LaRue is great for a book about loneliness and devils!

      Of course, I have actually been meaning to tell you that I have been loving Secondhand Smoke in particular! 😍

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      1. I’ll try and check it out while I’m traveling then! A lot of artists have been going country recently which, idk how I feel about since I love the genre and feel like crossovers aren’t necessarily good (then again I listen to a lot of country pop lol so I can’t say much). Ahh yes Secondhand Smoke is so good 🥹

        Liked by 1 person

        1. I hope you have a nice time travelling. It is true how country is being picked up as a trend, which isn’t always a great thing, in terms of integrity and what it means for the genre itself. I would say Zayn is more folkly blues and represents a new stage in his life perhaps. I’d be curious to hear your thoughts!
          Soooo good 😍


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